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'Perhaps that's because I am in it. 'O no, it isn't. But I am going to enter on another life altogether. I am going to be married next week to Mr David Heddegan. The young man fortified as he was by a natural cynical pride and passionateness winced at this unexpected reply, notwithstanding. 'Who is Mr David Heddegan? he asked, as indifferently as lay in his power.

This child, their only one, Betty, beloved ambitiously by her mother, and with uncalculating passionateness by her father, was frequently made wretched by such episodes as this; though she was too young to care very deeply, for her own sake, whether her mother betrothed her to the gentleman discussed or not.

But as he sat still for a moment, and as he steadfastly looked into the mate's malignant eye and perceived the stacks of powder-casks heaped up in him and the slow-match silently burning along towards them; as he instinctively saw all this, that strange forbearance and unwillingness to stir up the deeper passionateness in any already ireful being a repugnance most felt, when felt at all, by really valiant men even when aggrieved this nameless phantom feeling, gentlemen, stole over Steelkilt.

A generation or two has passed, and the world has revolted from their unjust judgments. It has perceived, among the evil, good which it had overlooked in an indignant haste and passionateness, learnt from those who should have taught it wisdom, patience, and charity.

Whatever technical merit they lacked, its absence was more than supplied by a warmth and passionateness, which she had the faculty of putting into her productions, and which all the world could feel. Her nature had a great deal of color, and, in accordance with it, so likewise had her pictures.

She discussed the subject of Mexican help without self-consciousness. And for the first time since Sylvia's marriage there was music on the piano up in the boudoir. Mrs. Mendoza played with a passionateness which was quite out of keeping with her mask-like expression. It was like finding a pearl in an oyster, hearing her at the piano.

Such is the story of Mme. d'Albany's friendship for two of the noblest spirits, Sismondi and Foscolo, of their day; the noblest, the one in his pure austerity, the other in his magnanimous passionateness, that ever crossed the path of the beloved of Alfieri. With her other friends, who gave less of their own heart and asked less of hers, Mme. d'Albany was more fortunate.

My Lord's passionateness for want thereof, and his want of coming in of rents, and no wages from the Duke of York. No money to be had there for wages nor disbursements, and therefore prays my assistance about his pension.

Come, give me back all that I have given you, and assure me you will support me in confessing the truth! 'Never, never! persisted Milly, with woe-begone passionateness. 'Look at this headstone! Look at my gown and bonnet of crape this ring: listen to the name they call me by! My character is worth as much to me as yours is to you!

Though Frederick had never been ill, there were times when he showed symptoms of a peculiar passionateness. His friends knew that when all went well, he was a dormant volcano; that when things did not go so well, he was a volcano spitting fire and smoke. To all appearances equally removed from effeminateness and brutality, he was subject, nevertheless, to accesses of both.