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The rudimentary type was a simple chamber or cella, with a loggia open to the air except for two columns standing between the two extremities of the side walls, which terminated in pilasters known as 'antae'. The next stage was to bring the colonnade forward, stage number three repeated the column at the other end of the building, stage number four continued the colonnade along the sides, stage number five doubled the colonnade on all four sides, and stage number six retained the outer rows of columns but omitted the inner row along the sides, leaving a wide passage-way all round the main building.

He opened the door which connected with her room by a dark, unfinished passage-way. "Don't bump your head," said Jack, and stepped before to open the door leading into her apartment, an unfin- ished chamber over the kitchen, the roof slant- ing nearly to the floor, so that the bed could stand only in the middle of the room. A small half window furnished light and air.

There remained, then, only the chimney, and to this place he once more directed his steps in search of a place of concealment. He climbed up and advanced a few paces to the end of the niche. On reaching this he found, to his amazement, that it was not a niche, but a passage-way which ran on for so long a distance that, as he peered down into it, he could see no end.

A mile more down the windings of the lake, and Ann began counting the trees between certain landmarks. Then into an opening between the trees which could not have been observed by a casual glance she steered her boat, and worked it on into a little open passage-way among their trunks. The way widened as she followed it, and then closed again.

"Come a step nearer and you are all dead men." It was Bristow who spoke, and the words were followed by the ominous click of the lock of his carbine. "Halt!" cried Bristow again. It was so dark in the passage-way that he could not see the troopers, but the sound of their footsteps told him that they were still advancing toward the dug-out. "That's twice," he continued.

But as she rose and threw back her veil, the doctor looked startled. "My dear Miss Ringgan, are you faint?" "No, Sir." "You are not well, indeed! I am very sorry the ride has been Take my arm! Ma'am," said the doctor, touching a black satin cloak which filled the passage-way, "will you have the goodness to give this lady a passport?"

The interior of the structure was as simple as the exterior. A passage-way ran down the centre between two counters, which extended the entire length of the building, and upon which Marmot displayed some of the varied assortment of articles he stocked for the benefit of his customers.

Very brown it looked, but Fleda dashed on, through the garden and in at the front door. Nobody at all was in the entrance room, the common sitting-room of the family. With trembling delight Fleda opened the well-known door and stole noiselessly through the little passage-way to the kitchen.

Ruby stood in the door one moment longer, and then she turned and ran down the passage-way as fast as she could go, feeling as if now she must surely go home, for she had disgraced herself forever. She had come out of the room without courtesying, or even saying good-morning as all the other girls had done, and then her running away had of course made all the girls laugh at her.

She was compelled, for the attainment of this object, to cross directly over the great hall, from the room adjoining and back of which the little shed-room projected in which she lodged. This hall was immediately entered upon from the passage-way, leading into the court in front, and but a few steps were necessary for its attainment.