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Our party there broke up end of August: the partridge-shooting commencing. Baroness Bernstein, whose kindness to me has been most invariable, has been to Bath, her usual winter resort, and has made me a welcome present of a fifty-pound bill. I rode back with Rev. Mr. Lambert, Oakhurst House, who send my honored mother their most affectionate remembrances.

The lieutenant had gone partridge-shooting. Of course, she had seen that in men; when there was a decision to make, or life became difficult in other ways, they always went shooting partridges. These poor creatures seemed to exist only for the purpose of helping mankind over difficult situations in life. Now she was looking for Boris, wishing to speak with him.

They didn't even ask me to Norfolk when they went down to the country, and offer me so much as a day's partridge-shooting. I can't go to Castlewood after what has happened; I should break that scoundrel William's bones; and, faith, am well out of the place altogether." He laughs a fierce laugh as he recalls his adventures since he has been in Europe.

This simile was very suitable for a nobleman and soldier, who by it placed himself in contrast with the men of his rank, who did not neglect going out, with their guns on their shoulders, hare-hunting and partridge-shooting, as often as an opportunity presented itself.

It was the money which he had saved since he took his degree, and had been intended for Messrs. Beilby & Burton. But he would wait another two years continuing to do his ushering for her sake. What did it matter to a man who must, under any circumstances, be permanently miserable? Sir Hugh was not yet at Clavering. He was to come with Lord Ongar on the eve of the partridge-shooting.

Kick and abuse him, you who have never brayed; but bear with him, all honest fellow-cardophagi: long-eared messmates, recognise a brother-donkey! "You will stay with us for a day or two at the Wells," Madame Bernstein continued. "You will see us put into our lodgings. Then you can return to Castlewood and the partridge-shooting, and all the fine things which you and my lord are to study together."

Somewhat of this man's character must hereafter be told; it will suffice to say that he relied for advice in money matters upon Dr Thorne, and that at Dr Thorne's suggestion he had purchased Boxall Hill, partridge-shooting and gorse cover all included.

He'll be delighted, I'm sure, to see you if you are here some time in September. But you, coming from Norfolk, would not care for partridge-shooting in Somersetshire. 'I don't see why it shouldn't be as good here as there. 'Colonel Askerton thinks he has got a fair head of game upon the place. 'I dare say. Game is easily kept if people knew how to set about it.

I always looked for their pleasing croak in May by the trout stream, and invariably shot several while partridge-shooting in former years. The earthquake of 1895 was very severely felt in the Cotswolds. Next to an earthquake a bad thunderstorm is the most awe inspiring of all things to mortals.

Fine names Gustavus Adolphus and the cabbages Gustavus Adolphus! no hero! The Parisian Sportsman Partridge-shooting despicable Wild boar-hunting Rousing the grisly monster His approach The post of honour Good nerves The death The trophy and congratulations.