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This ship picked up the Laughing Lass, deserted, and put your first crew aboard. That night, was it not, you saw the second pillar of fire?" Barnett nodded. "So your men met their death. Then came the second finding of the empty schooner.... Captain Parkinson, they must have been brave men who faced the unknown terrors of that prodigy."

They both spoke to the dingy dresser by name, calling him Parkinson, and asking for the lady as Miss Aurora Rome. Parkinson said she was in the other room, but he would go and tell her.

Then Miss Edna Parkinson, who was the only person present besides Pete who understood what was meant by a P.P.C. call, and who knew also that, the big rodeo being over, it was possible that the three cowboys had been discharged, said sympathetically "You ain't leaving these parts, are you?" Pete answered grimly: "It's more'n likely that we air." Edna glanced at Mamie, who was sniffing.

The boat grated on the sand. Captain Parkinson would have entered, but Barnett restrained him. "It's best to wait a minute or two," he advised. "Occasionally slides follow an explosion tardily, and the gases don't always dissipate quickly." Where they stood they could see but a short way into the cave. Trendon squatted and funnelled his hands to one eye. "There's fire inside," he said.

Parkinson; and envied him and internally noted, and with an unholy fervor cursed, the adroitness of intonation and the discreetly modulated gesture with which the colonel gave to every point of his merry-Andrewing its precise value. The colonel's mind was working busily on matters oddly apart from those of which he talked. He wanted this girl next to him at whom he did not look.

For it was an axiom of the men who sailed under Parkinson that the calmer that nervous man grew, the more cause was there for nervousness on the part of others. The approach was from the south, but suspicious aspects of the water had fended the cruiser out and around, until now she stood prow-on to a bold headland at the northwest corner of the island.

"You see," she concluded, "that it was all on your account that he tried it on at all, and I'm sure he talked enough about you all the evening. I really was a little surprised when I found you were his Miss Collum. I do think he deserves it, poor little man!" "Yes, yes!" cried Matilda; "I'll go I'll go at once! Thank you, Miss Parkinson, for telling me what you have!"

The result of the investigation had been anything but satisfactory for either the promoter or the expert. He was the more annoyed at the loss of time because of a telegram handed him just before his departure from St. Paul, which he now drew forth, and which read as follows: "Parkinson, expert for M. and M. on trail. Knows you as our representative, but only by name.

Captain Parkinson appeared and Carter pointed out the speck to him. "Yes. Give her full speed," said the captain, replying to a question from the officer of the deck. Forward leapt the swift cruiser, all too slow for the anxious hearts of those aboard.

D. This has a warm, bitterish, astringent taste, and a pleasant smell, somewhat of the clove kind, especially in the spring, and when produced in dry warm soils. Parkinson observes, that such as is the growth of moist soils has nothing of this flavour.