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"We want to find a four-leaved clover and a beetle with one eye," said one of them; "for if we can find them, we shall be able to get into the Great Panjandrum's place, and there we can learn whether there is a bag of gold at the end of the rainbow or not."

And I'll tell you what, in order to prevent you from picking up any more undesirable acquaintances, you shall just commence your duties as Umbrella Bearer at once," and, untying the ribbons by which the Little Panjandrum's attendant was attached to His Importance, the Ambassador, bringing forth a heavy pair of chains from his capacious pockets, proceeded to chain the Dodo up to the Little Panjandrum's waistband.

"The Executioner in his agitation dropped his axe, and stood open-mouthed regarding what was left of me; and, although I was rather anxious lest they should make an attempt to chop off my head before it finally disappeared, I managed despite my gag to 'grin' in the Grand Panjandrum's face, and an instant later I found myself here."

"At a sign from the Court Physician I quickly prepared my nettle leaves, which we had thought to gather on our way to the palace, and began to rub them gently on the Grand Panjandrum's cheek, on the opposite side of his face to that which was swollen.

"Is your er chopper ready?" said the Court Glover, turning to the executioner. "He he he ye es!" giggled that worthy. "Oh! If you please," pleaded Marjorie, "I do hope you are not going to execute the poor Dodo. I'm sure he's very sorry that he took the Little Panjandrum's gloves, and he will give them back, I know. Please, please, forgive him." "He he he!" giggled the Executioner again.

They had foolishly been making use of the authority which the Little Panjandrum's Ambassador had given to the children; and although it acted one way, and made them the size that they wished to be, it would not turn them back again. "And my wife and family refuse to have anything to do with me," said one ridiculously tall individual.

"Yes," said Dick, "I can see it now; it's quite red a bright scarlet, in fact." "The Little Panjandrum's State Balloon!" gasped the Dodo, in a terrible fright. "Oh, my dear friends, hide me somewhere! If he finds me I'm done for! I've got his gloves on oh! How could I have been so foolish as to have taken them it's all my pride and now I shall have to suffer for it oh! oh!"