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After seeming to make a great favour of it, in order to allure him the more to the bargain, Owney agreed to put him into the bag instead of himself; and cautioning him against saying a word, he was just going to tie him, when he was touched with a little remorse for going to have the innocent man's life taken: and seeing a slip of a pig that was killed the day before, in a corner, hanging up, the thought struck him that it would do just as well to put it in the bag in their place.

In a short time he was summoned to the courtyard, where all the nobles of the land assembled, with flags waving, and trumpets sounding, and all manner of glorious doings going on. The princess was placed on a throne of gold near her father, and there was a beautiful carpet spread for Owney to stand upon while he answered her questions.

'Don't be talking, you great gomeril, says Owney; 'only bring me to the king at once. He was brought before the king.

These were puzzling questions; but Owney having a small share of brains of his own, was not long in forming an opinion upon the matter. He was very impatient for the morning; but it came just as slow and regular as if he were not in the world.

But one day young Owney was in town, he saw a great procession of lords, and ladies, and generals, and great people, among whom was the king's daughter of the court and surely it is not possible for the young rose itself to be so beautiful as she was. His heart fainted at her sight, and he went home desperately in love, and not at all disposed to business.

'Why then that it's a droll one, no less; sorrow bit av I wouldn't have a mind to try my luck in the same way; how did you come home here before me that took the straight road, and didn't stop for so much as my gusthah since I left Knockpatrick? 'Oh, there's a short cut under the waters, said Owney. 'Mind and only be civil while you're in Thiernaoge, and you'll make a sight o' money.

'Fifty gold pieces for a china cup, said Owney to himself, as he plodded on home, 'that was not worth two! Ah! mother, you knew that vanity had an open hand. But as he drew near home he determined to hide his money somewhere, knowing, as he well did, that his cousin would not leave him a single cross to bless himself with.

'Well, cousin, said Owney, smiling, 'you have done me the greatest service that one man can do another; you put me in the way of getting two pieces of gold, said he, showing two he had taken from his hiding-place. 'If you could only bear the pain of suffering me just to put out your eyes, and lay you in the same place as you laid me, who knows what luck you'd have?

The next morning very early, young Owney came to the churchyard, to see what had become of his cousin. He called over and over again upon his name, but there was no answer given. At last, entering the place of tombs, he found his limbs scattered over the earth.

And if any man offers another fraction for it to outbid that, I'll spit him on my sword like a snipe. 'I outbid him, said a fair young lady in a veil, by his side, flinging twenty golden pieces more on the ground. There was no voice to outbid the lady, and young Owney, kneeling, gave the cup into her hands.