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But there are the opium-pipe and the jar and the ash-bowl, and I presume those are the clothes that the undertakers removed from the body. Shall we look them over?" He took up the clothes which lay, roughly folded, on a chair and held them up, garment by garment. "These are evidently the trousers," he remarked, spreading them out on the bed.

He took the opium-pipe from the fireman's limp fingers and returning to the box, refilled and lighted it. Max and Stuart watched him in silence until he had handed the second pipe to the man and returned to his chair. "We must be very careful," said Stuart. "We do not know which are real smokers and which are not." Again there was a weird interruption.

The joss-stick burns, the opium-pipe is smoked, the floors are strewn with slips of coloured paper prayers, you would say, that had somehow missed their destination and a man guiding his upright pencil from right to left across the sheet writes home the news of Monterey to the Celestial Empire. The woods and the Pacific rule between them the climate of this seaboard region.

They fitted out the expedition in fine style, while unconscious Sampson slept the sleep of the half-drowned. The placid Chinese cook fried great lumps of goat for them to eat, heedless of all things except his opium-pipe, to which he had recourse in the evening, the curious dreamy odour of the opium blending strangely with the aromatic scent of the bush.

Though the legal penalties prescribed for all who indulge in these destructive vices are severe, they do not avail to deter even respectable officers of the government from staking heavy sums on the turn of a card; and long before the game is ended the opium-pipe is introduced.

I knew that he had an opium-pipe which he brought with him when he came home from Japan; but I thought it was only a curio. I remember him telling me that he once tried a few puffs at an opium-pipe and found it rather pleasant, though it gave him a headache. But I had no idea he had contracted the habit; in fact, I may say that I was utterly astonished when the fact came out at the inquest."

The story was commented upon, it was recounted vividly, it took on particulars, and was doubted by no one. The appearance of Capitan Tiago was minutely described of course the frock coat, the cheek bulged out by the quid of buyo, without omitting the game-cock and the opium-pipe.

The common name for opium among the Chinese is yang yen foreign tobacco, and my wife says: "When calling at the Chinese homes, I have frequently been offered the opium-pipe, and when I refused it the ladies expressed surprise, saying that they were under the impression that all foreigners used it."

It was long after dark when we arrived; and an hour later stalked in the gaunt form of poor "Bones," who, instead of eating a good meal, coiled up on the kang and smoked an opium-pipe that he borrowed from the chairen. All the next day, and, indeed, for every day till we reached Tengyueh, our journey was one of the most arduous I have ever known.

"Perhaps the opium-pipe compensated," said I; "or he may have gone to bed early." "But he did not. The night porter used to see the light in his rooms at one o'clock in the morning. In the sitting-room, too, you remember. But he seems to have been in the habit of reading in bed or perhaps smoking for here is a candlestick with the remains of a whole dynasty of candles in it.