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At the Corporal's order of, "Prod 'em all up agin that wall and shoot any bloke as moves 'and or 'oof," the party of panting, bleeding and perspiring ruffians was lined up, relieved of its weapons, and duly marched to the guard-room.

"Well, if I was a Johnny, and had got the oof, she'd have a brougham and a sealskin to-morrow." "To-night, you mean," and then there were significant squeaks and trills of laughter. They called her back again, and yet again, and she returned with unaffected cheerfulness and a certain look of triumph.

"Proof oof oof!" said the stalactites. "Proof! Show us proof!" yelled the crowd. "Words at the gate proof in the cavern!" howled the lashless one. The Pathan next King leaned over to whisper to him again, but stiffened in the act. There was a great gasp the same instant, as the whole crowd caught its breath all together. The mullah in the middle froze into mobility.

And, you know she loved me; how many times has she assured me that she had nothing left to wish for? oof! damn my soul! and the light was fading out of her eyes all the while. I wondered whether there hadn't been something in her past. I made investigations: there was nothing forthcoming.

In the long ago, when I was a girl on the Chilcat, I played alone among the skin bales of my father's lodge; for the men were away on the hunt, and the women and boys were dragging in the meat. It was in the spring, and I was alone. A great brown bear, just awake from his winter's sleep, hungry, his fur hanging to the bones in flaps of leanness, shoved his head within the lodge and said, "Oof!"

"Oof!" grunted the sachem, bending his head so as to push his body through the opening, which was not closed after him; "lazy dog!" Otto did not think it wise to dispute the question. He was not hurt by the fall, and rising, stepped back against the side of the lodge and took a good view of his surroundings.

Any fool can work, but it takes a shrewd man to keep a lot of others working hard for him while he pockets the oof himself." "I suppose," the younger man remarked, thoughtfully, "that you would consider Mr. Henslow a shrewd man?" "Shrewd! Oh, Henslow's shrewd enough. There's no question about that!" "And honest?" Mr. Bullsom hesitated. He drew his hand down his stubbly grey beard. "Honest!

"What is it, John?" I inquired. "Why, then, you couldn't 'appen to notice 'im wearin' 'is 'at you couldn't 'appen to notice if 'e 'ad ever a pair o' 'orns, Peter?" "Horns!" I exclaimed. "Or a tail, Peter?" "Or even a 'oof, now?" suggested Job. "Come," said I, looking from one to the other, "what might you be driving at?"

Then his feet got tangled up in the cinch of his saddle, which he had kicked before him, and after great labor he arose, muttering savagely, and continued on his wobbly way. "Goo' Lord, it's darker'n cats in oof!" he grunted, recoiling from forcible contact with the fence he sought.

"He went in strong on the financial end, didn't he?" asked the Englishman. "Some one in London told me he'd made a lot of oof." She nodded, coloring. "Yes, oceans of money.... Not that we needed it," Evelyn added, a trifle defensively. "I know; it just came," was Latham's comment. "Well, it all helped us out of a nasty mess." Evelyn was thinking and did not reply immediately.