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But when she laughed his arm stole back again; and Fleur began to sing: "O who will oer the downs so free, O who will with me ride? O who will up and follow me " "Sing, Jon!" Jon sang. The larks joined in, sheep-bells, and an early morning church far away over in Steyning. They went on from tune to tune, till Fleur said: "My God! I am hungry now!" "Oh! I am sorry!"

Some Marsters wud whoop ther slaves til the blood would run down daw backs dese slaves would run away sometimes den sum would come to Ise Marse and would have to send dem back to dar own marsters and how my ole marster hated to see dem go. "I hang horse shoes oer my door to keep the Evil Spirits away.

I am kind of mixed up in my recollection of the hall right next to the Fine Arts. You know it had two doors in each end. "Listen to the mocking-bird, TEE-die-eedle-DONG Lisen to the mocking-bird, teedle-eedle-EE-dle DONG The mocking-bird still singing oer her grave, toomatooral-oo-cal-LEE!"

So Byron says in the first edition of his "English Bards and Scotch Reviewers" "Too much in turtle Bristol's sons delight, Too much oer bowls of rack prolong the night." These lines will not be found in the modern editions; but the following are substituted: "Four turtle feeder's verse must needs he flat, Though Bristol bloat him with the verdant fat."

All these have left their work and not their names, Why should I murmur at a fate like theirs? This is the heavenly light; the pearly stain Was but a wind-cloud drifting oer the stars! I find I have so many things in common with the old Master of Arts, that I do not always know whether a thought was originally his or mine.

Coinnach Oer, which means Dun Kenneth, was a celebrated man in his generation. He has been called the Isaiah of the North. The prophecies of this man are very frequently alluded to and quoted in various parts of the Highlands; although little is known of the man himself, except in Ross-shire.

Colonel Smith appeared to be particularly moved, and I heard him humming under his breath, greatly to my astonishment, for this rough soldier was not much given to poetry or music: "Who has not heard of the Vale of Cashmere, With its roses the brightest that earth ever gave; Its temples, its grottoes, its fountains as clear, As the love-lighted eyes that hang 'oer the wave." Mr.

In Denmark there lies a castle named Kronenburgh. It lies close by the Oer Sound, where the ships pass through by hundreds every day English, Russian, and likewise Prussian ships.

All these have left their work and not their names, Why should I murmur at a fate like theirs? This is the heavenly light; the pearly stain Was but a wind-cloud drifting oer the stars! I find I have so many things in common with the old Master of Arts, that I do not always know whether a thought was originally his or mine.

Whatever might have been the gift of Kenneth Oer, he does not appear to have used it with an extraordinary degree of discretion; and the last time he exercised it, he was very near paying dear for his divination. On this occasion he happened to be at some high festival of the M'Kenzies at Castle Braan.