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"Say," he added, presently, "what kind of a place is that Niagry place I been reading about? Is it far from Cleveland?" "Not so very," replied Annie to his sudden and irrelevant query. "It's a great place for young married folks to go and visit, I reckon? I was reading about in a book onct, before my books was burned up.

The Boarder, as boss carpenter, worked after switching hours until it grew dark; then the children took turns, in holding a lantern for him. The savings of the Boarder being taxed by the trip to "Niagry" and the furnishing of the apartment, great economy had to be exercised in the erecting of the Annex. He strictly adhered to his determination not to touch the "rainy day fund."

In the hay fields of life, it's deeds and not words that counts. I read that in a book somewheres." "Say," he went on, suddenly, "have you noticed how perty the moonlight is on the medders these nights? You reckon it shines that same way over at Niagry?" Annie did not answer at the instant. "Well," said she at last, "in some ways this country is a lot like Cleveland.

"'Twill take more emptins, by a long chalk, than this new party's got, To give such heavy cakes as these a start, I tell ye what." Is Beans a regler article of diet in your family? How many chickins hav you, on foot and in the shell? Air you aware that Injianny whisky is used in New York shootin galrys instid of pistols, and that it shoots furthest? Was you ever at Niagry Falls?

Parmalee admitted, glancing modestly at the plethoric portfolio he carried under his arm. "Would your lordship mind taking a look at them? I've got some uncommon neat views of our American scenery, too Mammoth Cave, Niagry Falls, White Mountains, and so on. Might help to pass a rainy afternoon." "Very true, Mr. Parmalee; it might. Let us see your American views, then.

If it keeps on this way long there'll be mischief." "Think there'll be danger to the mill?" Jerome asked, quickly. "No, I guess not, it's built strong; but I wouldn't resk the solid airth long under Niagry. Where you goin'?" "Down to Robinson's store. I want to get something."

It's only a toy on ther water when God's wind goes out ter battle with God's everlastin' seas. "Cumin' over, I stopped and tuk a look at Niagry. It wur grand, but a dozen Niagrys wouldn't make one hurrycane out ter sea. I can't explain what I wanter, but I mean as how God's majesty is nowhar else revealed as when his hurrycanes is sent ter paint a picter on ther face of a mad ocean.

Seems like it was called 'A Chanct Acquaintance. Ever since, I allowed I'd go to Niagry on my wedding journey." "Well," said Annie, judicially, "I been around some, what with floor-walkers and foremen and men in the factory, but I'm going to say that when it comes to chanct acquaintances, this here place has got 'em faded for suddenness! Go on over home and rub your eyes and wake up, man!