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For all saw what great service would be done to Portuguese commerce by the establishment of a half-way station on their return from India, and the feeling of regret for their lost ship was swallowed up and forgotten in delight at the honor which they should receive at having first planted the flag of Portugal on the Island of St. Helena, for thus did the captain name the newly-found island.

Soon after breakfast, Rowland arrived, accompanied by Owen, who had travelled all night. Gladys was with Netta in her bedroom, but all the rest of the family welcomed Owen. Mr Jones shook him by the hand with peculiar warmth, because he was given to understand that he loved his newly-found niece.

Moreover, he was now a little bit behind her, so that he could with impunity regard the appearance of this newly-found companion her lithe and agile form, the proud set of her neck and head, the beautiful close masses of her curly, golden-brown hair, and the fine contour of her sun-tanned cheek.

He was in this situation at the time of the seige and surrender of Granada, was consequently at court at the time that Columbus made his agreement with the Catholic sovereigns, and was in the same capacity at Barcelona, and witnessed the triumphant entrance of the discoverer, attended by a number of the natives of the newly-found countries.

But as soon as the broker was satisfied beyond a peradventure that the depositor was actually dead, he hastened back to New York, joyful as a crow over a newly-found carcass, to administer upon the estate, leaving the law to take its own course with regard to the murderer. Beyond the two facts just mentioned as implicating Carl, nothing was proved at the trial.

It appeared, from the report of Ojeda and his followers, that the glowing accounts sent home by Columbus of his late discoveries on the coast of Paria, his magnificent speculations with respect to the riches of the newly-found country, and the specimen of pearls transmitted to the sovereigns, had inflamed the cupidity of various adventurers. Ojeda happened to be at that time in Spain.

The morning is far advanced, and we both stand in need of rest." Dame Paula, an elderly, good-tempered, kind-hearted matron, shortly made her appearance; and to her charge did Wagner consign his newly-found relative, whom he now represented to be his sister.

At the same moment the light was extinguished in the upper window, and the outside of the house became a mere wall of dense blackness in the driving rain. Up a long uncarpeted flight of stairs, and into a large lofty room on the second storey, Thord led the way for his newly-found disciples to follow.

Not that he looked like one who would be harsh or tyrannical. On the contrary, his face was lit up by a courteous smile as Howard introduced his newly-found friend. "Glad to see you," said the General, offering his hand. "The country is in a disturbed state for travellers, and I fear that you will hardly get out of it without some risk.

The Guesser's knowledge of history was close to nonexistent, but he had heard that the expansion to the stars from Earth a planet he had never been within a thousand parsecs of had been accomplished by the expedient of combining volunteers with condemned criminals and shipping them off to newly-found Earth-type planets.