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"I will nod!" she answered, with proud defiance. "Then I will take her by force!" "Ah! What could nod ze monkey do, if he were alzo ze lion!" "I am the lion, and therefore I must have this lamb!" "Muz? Say muz to ze clouds; to ze winz; to ze lightningz; but not to Chicarona!" "If you do not agree to accept a fair offer for this girl, you will be in jail for kidnapping her in less than one hour!"

You di'n' write him: 'Wire answer'? You muz' do that! I'll pay it myseff!" "I thought I'd wait one more day. He may have other manuscripts to consider." "Mr. Chezter, that manuscrip' is not in a prize contess; 'tis only with itseff! You di'n' say that?" "I implied it as gracefully as I could." "Ah! graze' the h-only way to write those fellow, tha'z with the big stick! 'Wire h-answer!"

"O, muz!" answered Will, putting his arm around her, "what do we want of it? The whole farm is ours, in that it's yours. That's all we want the new marsh for just to clear off the mortgage. And we're going to do it, too! We begin work on the running dike to-morrow." "You are two dear, good boys!" exclaimed their mother, tenderly. "If only your poor father could have lived!

The actress fled, and the woman drew near. She looked into the man's eyes frankly, unshrinkingly, with humor, with appeal. She leaned towards him, and her face grew exquisitely tender and beautiful. "Oh, it was a struggle! Mother kept boarders in order that Hugh and I might go to school didn't you, dear old muz?" She laid her hand on her mother's knee, and the mother clasped it.

I thing I muz be go'n' to die torecklie." She looked up to the ceiling with large eyes, and then again at the fan in her lap, which continued its spreading and shutting. "An' daz de riz'n, 'Sieur Grandissime." She waited until it was certain he was about to answer, and then interrupted him nervously: "You know, 'Sieur Grandissime, id woon be righd! Id woon be de juztiz to you!

"But where he is, that Captain Kincaid?" asked Victorine of Charlie a second time. "Well, really," stammered the boy at last, "we we can't say, just now, where he is." "He means," she heard Mandeville put in, "he means Charlie only that we muz not tell. 'Tis a sicret." "You've sent him into the enemy's lines!" cried Constance to Irby in one of her intuitions.

"Boun' to ged ah! yez ee muz do 'is possible to ged 'is rend. Oh! certainlee. Ee is ridge, bud ee need a lill money, bad, bad. Fo' w'at?" The excited speaker rose to her feet under a sudden inspiration. "Tenez, Mademoiselle!" She began to make great show of unfastening her dress. "Mais, comment?" demanded the suffering daughter.

A man muz nod go again' his conscien'. My faith! do you thing I would go again' my conscien'? Mais allons, led us go and ged some coffee." "Jools." "Wat?" "Jools, it ain't the drinkin' of coffee, but the buyin' of it on a Sabbath. You must really excuse me, Jools it's again' conscience, you know." "Ah!" said St.-Ange, "c'est very true. For you it would be a sin, mais for me it is only 'abit.

The good father might even have said a few words about her after her first departure; he had such an overflowing heart. "Madame Carraze," said Monsieur Vignevielle, "doze kine of note wad you 'an' me juz now is bein' contrefit. You muz tek kyah from doze kine of note.

He cast his eye around upon the prevailing hair-cloth and varnish. "Misses Witchlin, I muz tell you I like yo' tas'e in that pawlah." "It's Mrs. Riley's taste," said Mary. "'Tis a beaucheouz tas'e," insisted the Creole, contemplatively, gazing at the Pope's vestments tricked out with blue, scarlet, and gilt spangles.