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She very shortly took leave of her mother, who went up to the door with her. 'Are you going to see Dick? Mrs. Mutimer said, in the passage. 'I shan't see him till he comes to my house, replied Alice sharply. The old woman stood on the doorstep till her daughter was out of sight, then sighed and returned to her kitchen. Alice returned to her more fashionable quarter by omnibus.

There was only one noticeable change in the appearance of the bedroom since he had last seen it. The dressing-table was drawn near to the fire, and on it were a cup and saucer, a few plates, some knives, forks, and spoons, and a folded tablecloth. A kettle and a saucepan stood on the fender. Her bread and butter Mrs. Mutimer kept in a drawer.

'If I might suggest, he added, when Mutimer kept silence, I think, if you condescend to notice the letter at all, you should reply only in the most general terms. Who is this man Dabbs, I wonder, who has the impudence to write to you in this way? 'Oh, one of the Hoxton Socialists, I suppose, Mutimer answered carelessly. 'I remember the name. 'A gross impertinence!

It was that which led to his son entering business quite a new thing in their family. Wasn't it very sad? Poor Godfrey and his young wife both drowned! The marriage was, as you may imagine, not altogether a welcome one to Mrs. Eldon; Mr. Mutimer was quite a self-made man, quite. I understand he has relations in London of the very poorest class labouring people.

When the meeting had broken up into groups, a number of the more prominent Socialists surrounded Comrade Roodhouse on the platform. Their talk was still of Mutimer, of his shameless hypocrisy, his greed, his infernal arrogance. Near at hand stood Mr. Keene; a word brought him into conversation with a neighbour.

Some say there was, and others deny it, as I gather from general conversation. But I suppose it's at an end now, in any case. 'Mrs. Waltham would see to that, you mean? said Mutimer, with a short laugh. 'Probably. Rodman made his glass revolve, his fingers on the stem. 'Take another cigar. I suppose they're not too well off, the Walthams? 'Mrs.

'I should think, he began slowly, 'it's as likely as not that this is a forgery. 'A forgery? But who could have Her voice failed. 'He's not likely to have run the risk himself, I suppose, Mutimer pursued, with a quiet sneer, 'but no doubt there are people who would benefit by it. Adela had an impulse of indignation. It showed intself in her cold, steady reply. 'The will was thick with dust.

Then there's the reading-room and library, and the lectures, and the recreation-grounds. You just come over the place with me some day, and talk with the women, and see if they don't think they're well off. Adela looked him in the face. 'And it is you they have to thank for all this? 'Well, I don't want any credit for it, Mutimer replied, waving his hand.

Surely you ought not to say that you have no interest in him at all. 'I do say it, mother, and I wish to say it so plainly that you cannot after this mistake me. Alfred's friends are very far from being necessarily my friends. Not only have I no interest in Mr. Mutimer, I even a little dislike him. 'I had no idea of that, Adela, said her mother, rather blankly.

'Everyone can give help in such a cause as this. You can work upon the minds of the people you talk with and get them to throw away their prejudices. The cause of the working classes seems so hopeless just because they're too far away to catch the ears of those who oppress them. 'I do not oppress them, Mr. Mutimer. Adela spoke with a touch of impatience.