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That night before the blazing coals Muggles broke out on some theories of putting out a conflagration that made Bender sit up straight and little Billy Salters cup his ears in attention. Monteith also craned his neck to listen. "Who the devil taught you that, Mixey?" asked Bender. "You talk as if you were Chief of the Big Six." "Why, any fireman knows that.

During all this time neither Monteith nor the big lumber-boss had put in an appearance; nor had Podvine nor little Billy Salters lent a hand. Bender had stuck to his post and so had Jackson, oblivious of the whereabouts of any other member of the coterie except Muggles, whose clothespin of a figure came into relief now and then against the flare of the flames.

Then Muggles was a kind and considerate young man extremely kind and intrusively considerate; always interesting himself in everybody's affairs and taking no end of trouble to straighten them out whether importuned or not and he seldom was. This idiosyncrasy had gained for him during his college days the title of "Mixey."

Then Bender made his way back to the bungalow. The last man to leave the deck was Muggles.

She laughed in his face, and said she was going with Mr. Muggles. He saw it all. Civil engineering and devotion had been cast over for a general store interest, home relatives, Muggles, and devotion. He was jilted. The reflections of John Gray that night, described by colors, may be referred to as simply green and red green for jealousy, red for vengeance.

Regular clown you are, Muggles. Exactly like that fellow at the circus who holds up one end of the tent and then, before the supes can reach it, drops it for the other end."

"There is a broad stream that runs into the lake, ... and above the mill there are bass weighing ten pounds, ... and back in the primeval forest bears, ... and now and then a moose " So ran the letter. Muggles had spread it wide open by this time and was reading it aloud everybody knowing Monteith and the group never having any secrets of this kind from each other.

"Yer legses, eh?" repeated Muggins in a tone of sarcasm "so I supposes, for it's on them that a man usually goeses; but what caused you for to desart the ship?" "'Cause I no want for be pyrit more nor yourself, Mister Muggles " "Muggins, you lump of ebony don't miscall me."

Muggles ran over in his mind the list of his engagements: he was due at Gravesend on the tenth for a week, to play golf; at his aunt's country-seat in Westchester on the eleventh for the same length of time, and on the twelfth he was expected to meet a yacht at Cold Spring Harbor for a cruise up the coast. He had accepted these invitations and had fully intended to keep each and every one.

Here during the winter's logging he housed himself in complete seclusion, and here in summer he kept open house for whoever would answer in person his welcoming letters. Anything so rude and primeval, or so comforting and inviting, was beyond the experience of Muggles and his friends. This became apparent before they had shed their coats and unpacked their bags.