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He was gone, and poor Morton was gone; and all those others, whose memories rose like ghosts before her; they were all gone. And she wept as she thought that she might perhaps have made a better use of the gifts which Providence had put in her way. When Mounser Green met her at the station she was beyond measure weary.

The other, in regard to whose end her hard heart was touched, even her conscience seared, had named her in his will as though his affection was unimpaired. Of course she took the money, but she took it with inward groans. She took the money and the trinkets, and the matter was all arranged for her by Mounser Green.

That's the kind of thing, isn't it?" suggested Hoffmann. "At any rate there she is, and Mounser sees her every day." "It don't make any difference about Rufford," said young Glossop stoutly. All this happened before the will had been declared, when Arabella did not dream that she was an heiress.

"I will come in the morning and take Miss Trefoil to the station," said Mounser, "and will meet her in the evening."` And so the matter was arranged. The journey was not without its drawbacks and almost its perils. Summer or winter Arabella Trefoil was seldom out of bed before nine.

Some four or five hundred a year, which the old lady had at her own disposal, had for years past contributed to Mounser's ideas of duty. And now Arabella's presence at the small house in Portugal Street certainly added a new zest to those ideas. The niece of the Duke of Mayfair, and the rejected of Lord Rufford, was at the present moment an interesting young woman in Mounser Green's world.

I used to think it was because he was in the Foreign Office, a kind of chaff, as being half a Frenchman." "My mother's maiden name was Mounser, and it isn't French at all. I don't see why it should not be as good a Christian name as Willoughby or Howard." "Quite as good, and much more distinctive. There can't be another Mounser Green in the world." "And very few other young men like him.

The parents of course kissed their child, but there was very little said in the way either of congratulation or farewell. Lord Augustus did have some conversation with Mounser Green, but it all turned on the probability of there being whist in Patagonia. On the Monday morning they were married, and then Arabella was taken off by the happy bridegroom.

And when Mounser showed himself at the office, which he did boldly, immediately after the engagement was made known, they all received him with open arms and congratulated him sincerely on his happy fortune. He himself was quite contented with what he had done and thought that he was taking out for himself the very wife for Patagonia. The Wedding

No doubt during the time that he remained there he read a great many newspapers, and wrote a great many private notes, on official paper! But there may be a question whether even these employments did not help to make Mounser Green the valuable man he was. "What a lounge for Jack Slade," said young Hoffmann.

Everybody thought he would leave the place to another Morton, a fellow he'd never seen, in one of those Somerset House Offices. He and this fellow who is to have it, were enemies, but he wouldn't put it out of the right line. It's all very well for Mounser to be down on me, but I do happen to know what goes on in that country.