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Such was my introduction to Rhodesia, where the limousine and the ox-team compete for right of way on the veldt and the 'rickshaw yields to the motor-cycle in the town streets. Nowhere in the world can you find a region that combines to such vivid and picturesque extent the romance and hardship of the pioneer age with the push and practicality of today.

The motor-cycle was tied on behind the big touring car, and with the unconscious form of Tom in the tonneau, beside Morse, who stroked his mustache nervously, the auto started off. The storm had passed, and the sun was shining brightly, but Tom could not see it. Several hours later Tom had a curious dream. He imagined he was wandering about in the polar regions, and that it was very cold.

It was all four French soldiers could do to get my motor-cycle out. Another time I stuck endeavouring to avoid some lorries. It is a diabolical joke of the Comic Imps to put fog upon a greasy road for the confusion of a despatch rider. On the next day I was sent out to the 14th Brigade at the Rue de Paradis near Laventie.

"I won't forget it," said Courtenay, laughing and shaking hands. He watched the sergeant as he bestrode the motor-cycle, pushed off, and swung off warily down the wet road into the morning mist. "What was it that despatch said a while back!" he mused.

Get somebody. Do something, for heaven's sake! You know about medicine a little, don't you?" "Take her inside and put her to bed," Pennington commanded shortly. "I'll take your motor-cycle and go for Mother O'Mara. I can get a doctor from there by to-morrow, perhaps." Francis gathered the limp little body up again without a word. Only he turned at the door for a last appeal.

"No one believes it till he's hit, but then there's no questioning. You looked that day as if you would have liked to speak to me yes" boldly "as if to escape Carder you would have mounted that motor-cycle with me and we should have done that Tennyson act, you know 'beyond the earth's remotest rim the happy princess followed him' or something like that.

He looked outside and there, to his dismay, saw a big, savage-appearing bulldog standing close to where he had left his motor-cycle. The animal had been sniffing suspiciously at the machine. "Good dog!" called Tom. "Come here!" But the bulldog did not come. Instead the beast stood still, showed his teeth to Tom and growled in a low tone.

"You owe me three dollars on it." "Good!" cried the lad. "I'll give you the money out of my next allowance. It's the motor boat, fellows," he added. "A motor boat!" cried Betty. "What good is a motor boat up here, with the river frozen?" "Oh, it's something new a little idea of my own," said Will. "It's a converted motor-cycle gasoline engine, that can be attached to our ice boat.

From the woods at his left came the protesting "hee-haw" of a mule. "Boomerang and Eradicate Sampson!" exclaimed the young inventor. "What can they be doing here?" He leaned his motor-cycle against the fence and advanced toward where he had heard the voice of the colored man. In a little clearing he saw him.

Every officer of importance in the British zone has a telephone at hand, and as the armies advance the telephones go with them, the wires and portable instruments being transported by the motor-cycle despatch riders of the Army Signal Corps, so that frequently within thirty minutes after a battalion has captured a German position its commander will be in telephonic communication with Advanced G. H. Q. The speed with which the connections are made would be remarkable even in New York.