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Updated: January 17, 2025
It is only mechanical-minded men that are dead. The fate of civilization is not going to be determined by people who are morbidly like machines on the one hand, or by people who are morbidly unmechanical, on the other.
"That's a little trick I worked out, grandfather," said Hoddan into the transmitter. "Come aboard. I'll pass it on." His grandfather presently appeared, scowling and suspicious. His eyes shrewdly examined everything, including the loot tucked in every available space. He snorted. "All honestly come by," said Hoddan morbidly. "It seems I've got a license to steal. I'm not sure what to do with it."
Really, when I first joined, I thought them all so many Lady Dashers in disguise. I could hardly believe that such cheerful fellows should be at heart so morbidly exacerbated!
I do not believe there was ever a little child who had a more sensitive conscience than I; about everything I was so morbidly scrupulous that I was often misunderstood by those who loved me best, a thing that caused me the most poignant heartaches. I remember having been tormented for days merely because in relating something I had not reported it precisely as it had happened.
How was it, Susan, that you talked and acted so carelessly, yet always for the best, doing whatever was right in your own eyes, and never once doing wrong in mine, nor shocked a taste that had been morbidly sensitive till now?
Her senses were morbidly keen; the very scent of strange people about him made her sullen and suspicious. "The poor, poor child! She loves him!" said Ellen one day to Pelle, and suddenly burst into tears. "And there she lies dying!" Her own happiness made her so fully conscious of the child's condition. "But dearest Ellen!" exclaimed Pelle in protest. "Don't you think I can see?
Was I inhumanly barbarous because the antagonist destroyed was morbidly sensitive? My conscience, therefore, made me no reproach, and the public was as little severe as my conscience.
Mlle. de Scudéry was a perfect representative of that type, but healthy and normal rather than morbidly æsthetic. An opposition party soon arose, formed by those, especially, who entertained different ideas of the sphere and duties of woman.
And she hoped, also the kind friend who would consider the youth and inexperience of the culprit. To the morbidly acute hearing of the woman, the music had a ring of hollow sonority after the denser packed phrases of Weber. She had read Sordello with her husband until she thought its meaning was as clear as high noon. By the critic's advice the subject had been selected for musical treatment.
"Alone," in an English home, is a word implying no dreary solitude to an accomplished woman; but alone in that foreign land, alone in those half- furnished, desolate apartments, few books, no musical instruments, no companions during the day to drop in, that loneliness was wearying. And that mind so morbidly active!
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