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Uncle Steve, you've been adding some to it; but there are two more things I do want to buy most awfully and they're both pink." "I'd hate to have two pink things left out," declared Uncle Steve, "and I'm sure there's just money enough left for the two. What are they, Mopsy?" "Well, one is a pink parasol for that Elegant Ella.

Men crept along slippery ledges above the water and moved over dangerously slanting slopes, half hidden among the trees; a few were in the river. Three or four of the dogs were swimming; the others, spread out in twos and threes, trotted in and out among the undergrowth. Presently, a figure creeping along the foot of the rock not far away seized Carroll's attention. "It's Mopsy!" he exclaimed.

"All right, then, Midget; a present it shall be, but with this stipulation: you must promise not to go down into the south orchard from now until next Thursday." "Why not?" asked Mopsy, her eyes wide open with astonishment.

However, Mopsy, it wasn't wilful wrong on your part; it was only one of those absurd mistakes that you seem to be continually making." "You showed a pretty good business instinct, Midget," said her uncle; "if you were a boy I'd expect you to grow up to be one of the Kings of Finance.

Now, Your Majesty must go with the Minister of the Bedchamber; the Minister of Education awaits an audience." "Arithmetic, I bet. Well, good-by, Prince Trask. I hope I can see you again. Say good-by, Mopsy." She went away with her nurse, the little dog looking back over her shoulder. "I came out to enjoy the gardens alone," he said, "and now I find I'd rather enjoy them in company.

"I think I'm more disturbed than Mopsy is," she said to Carroll. "What I felt must be some excuse for me. You were right, of course. I'm sorry for what I said; it was unjustifiable." Carroll laughed lightly. "Anyway, it was perfectly natural; but I must confess that I felt some temptation to make a spectacular fool of myself.

"Why, Mopsy Maynard," exclaimed her mother, as Marjorie danced into the house, smiling and dishevelled, "what a looking head! Please go straight to your room, and make yourself tidy before supper time." "Yes, indeed, Mother, but just listen a minute!

As for Gladys, herself, she, too, was sad at leaving Marjorie, but she was so full of wonder and curiosity about the new home they were going to, in the land of flowers and sunshine, that she was fairly impatient to get there. "Just think, Mopsy," she said, as the two girls sat together at the party feast, "the roses out there are as big as cabbages, and bloom all the year round."

"Oh, you are?" She nodded. "We are Queen, in our own right, of our Royal Bedroom, our Royal Playroom, and our Royal Bathroom. And Mopsy is our faithful subject." "Is Your Majesty absolute ruler of these domains?" "No," she said disgustedly. "We must at all times defer to our Royal Ministers, just like Grandpa has to. That means, I have to do just what they tell me to.

"Oh, if you only knew!" she cried; "you came near not having your bad little Mopsy any more! And Stella's mother came nearer yet!