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Evil is in everything and everywhere: "in the great manufacturers who drive along the streets of the village, crushing men and beasts; in the bailiff and the recorder, who are such bad characters that their very faces betray their knavery;" and finally, in the central figure of the story, Axinia, the wife of Stepan, the youngest son of Tzibukine, a usurer and monopolist.

But, if plenty for all is to become a reality, this immense capital cities, houses, pastures, arable lands, factories, highways, education must cease to be regarded as private property, for the monopolist to dispose of at his pleasure.

"Ay, ay, Aunt Bridget but I get the start of you, though you probably were born a week before-hand: talk of parsons, look at me, a regular grand pluralist monopolist, as any bishop can be; butler in doors, bailiff out of doors, land-steward, house-steward, cellar-man, and pay-master.

He cooled down Charles Gatty, Esq., monopolist of nature and truth. He quoted to him thirty painters in Germany, who paint every stroke of a landscape in the open air, and forty in various nations who had done it in times past.

"I seem to require a great deal of rescuing," said the girl, looking up at the monopolist in the art who had so far said nothing. "Ah, but you don't understand, my dear," went on McVay ruthlessly cutting into the look which the lovers were exchanging; "You don't yet understand how fortunate we are in our friends. Henderson did not, it is true, come to find me.

The few loads Kit brought down at the cost of heavy labor were carried off by anxious house-wives as soon as they arrived. The weather was helping the monopolist, but he could not tell if a change to frost would be an advantage or not. Although it would make the need for coal felt keenly, it might simplify the transport of peat.

Merchant, million- naire, banker, ship-owner, royal favorite, and minister of finance, explorer of the East and monopolist of the glittering trade between that quarter of the globe and his own, great capitalist who had anticipated the brilliant operations of the present time, he expiated his prosperity by poverty, imprisonment, and torture.

For it was the assumption of equality implied by Wilson's manner that offended Gourlay as if mole-catcher's son and monopolist were discussing, on equal terms, matters of interest to them both. "Business!" he said gravely. "Well, I'm not well acquainted with your line, but I believe mole traps are cheap if ye have any idea of taking up the oald trade."

It is monopoly which is the keynote; and where monopoly prevails, the greater the injury to society the greater the reward of the monopolist will be....

Some of us have decided that we will never have anything to do with monopoly. Presto! there is suddenly evolved an entirely new type of monopolist the man who can be rich and good; the millionaire who has invented a monopoly that serves the owners, the producers and employees, the distributors and the consumers alike.