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If the poet wished to make a plausible tale of that period he could no more undertake to modernize his characters than could Tennyson in his Idylls. The would-be gods are in the tale not to reveal Vergil's philosophy they do not but to orient the reader in the atmosphere in which Aeneas had always been conceived as moving.

It provides us the ability to come quickly to the aid of friends and allies around the globe; 4. And it ensures that our Navy will continue to be the most powerful on the seas. We are strengthening each of the three legs of our strategic forces. The cruise missile production which will begin next year will modernize our strategic air deterrent. B-52 capabilities will also be improved.

And again, to help build or modernize 6,000 schools, to get students out of trailers and into high-tech classrooms. We should double our bipartisan GEAR UP program to mentor 1.4 million disadvantaged young people for college. And let's offer these students a chance to take the same college test-prep courses wealthier students use to boost their test scores.

Gladstone's notions of 3 or 3-1/2 per cent, on 800,000l., leaving only 700,000l. as the value of a territory bigger than Russia in Europe. Such a company would have to raise additional capital of its own to modernize its business, to improve the means of intercourse between its posts, and to cheapen and expedite the transport to and fro of its merchandise.

In the steel industry, for instance, we have put Trigger Price Mechanism into place to help prevent the dumping of steel. That action has strengthened the domestic steel industry. In the automobile industry, we have worked without resort to import quotas to strengthen the industry's ability to modernize and compete effectively.

Higher non-service connected pension benefits for needy veterans; Greatly improved benefits to survivors of veterans dying in or as a result of service; Authorization, by Presidential directive, of an increase in the number of beds available for sick and disabled veterans; Development of a 12-year, $900 million construction program to modernize and improve our veterans hospitals;

That his administration has given the country a grand impetus, has largely restored its credit, and insured a continuance of peace, seems to be an undisputed fact. His principal purpose is plainly to modernize Mexico. The twelve years from 1876, when he became president, until 1889, when his third term commenced, has proved to be the progressive age of the republic.

I would rather 'turn a Persian tale for half-a-crown. Read this, my lord, and tell me whether it will be easy to turn my Lady Kilrush into Petrarch's Laura." "This sonnet, to be sure, is rather difficult to translate, or at least to modernize, as bespoke," said Lady Geraldine, after she had perused the sonnet; "but I think, Mr. Devereux, you brought this difficulty upon yourself.

We must modernize our unemployment insurance and establish a high-level commission on automation. If we have the brain power to invent these machines, we have the brain power to make certain that they are a boon and not a bane to humanity. We must extend the coverage of our minimum wage laws to more than 2 million workers now lacking this basic protection of purchasing power.

Perhaps, John, I'd better take that little house of mine on Elm Street, and set up my tent in it, and take all the old furniture and old pictures, and old-time things. You'll be wanting to modernize and make over this house, you know, to suit a young wife." "Nonsense, Gracie; no such thing!" said John.