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I think I asked for matches, or else he had given back the few which he found on my person. Monsieur le Ministre watched me descend my voluminous baggage. This was carefully examined by Monsieur at the bureau, of the prison. Monsieur made me turn everything topsy-turvy and inside out. Monsieur expressed great surprise at a huge shell: where did I get it?

"It is they," wrote Longueuil, "who are the instigators of revolt and the source of all our woes." Whereupon the Colonial Minister reiterated his instructions to drive them off and plunder them, which he thought would "effectually disgust them," and bring all trouble to an end. [Footnote 63: Le Ministre

"I had already twice read Monsieur le Ministre," wrote Monsieur J.-J. Weiss in the Journal des Débats the day following the production at the Gymnase, "before having seen the drama founded on the book, and I do not regret having been obliged to read it for the third time. The romance is both well conceived and admirably executed. To have written it, a union of character and talent was necessary.

"And yet," went on John Turner, very dense or greatly daring, "I have lived many years in France, Monsieur le Ministre." The Minister frowned at him, and made a quick gesture of one hand toward the window.

In reply I beg to state that I have taken note of the same. I avail, etc., His Excellency, Lou Tseng-tsiang, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of the Republic of China. Monsieur le Ministre,

L'Ambassadeur en Autriche-Hongrie au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Vienne, le 15/28 Juillet, 1914. Le décret sur la mobilisation générale a été signé. No. 48. Le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères

"I believe, Monsieur le Ministre, that we at last hold the perpetrator of the crime in the Rue Godot-de-Mauroy." At this, Monferrand, who had been listening impatiently, became quite impassioned. The fruitless searches of the police, the attacks and the jeers of the newspapers, were a source of daily worry to him. "Ah!

Ai reçu Votre télégramme du 16-29 Juillet et ai transmis le texte de Votre proposition au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères que je viens de voir; il m'a dit qu'il avait reçu un télégramme identique de l'Ambassadeur d'Allemagne

His Excellency, Lou Tseng-tsiang, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China. Monsieur le Ministre, In the name of my Government. I have the honour to make the following declaration to your Government: I avail, etc. His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho. Excellency,

No. 65. L'Ambassadeur en Angleterre au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Londres, le 17/30 Juillet 1914. L'Ambassadeur d'Allemagne a demandé