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Barry Tompkins led Bagley and Larcher over to the medico-legal criminologist a tall, thin man in the forties, with prematurely gray hair and a smooth-shaven face, cold and inscrutable in expression and, having introduced and helped them to find chairs, rejoined Turl. Bagley was not ten seconds in getting the medico-legal man's ear.

"It was lying on the bottom of the pond in a position which would have been impossible if it had been attached to the arm." "You interest me exceedingly," said Mr. Jellicoe. "It appears that a medico-legal expert finds 'books in the running brooks, sermons in bones, and evidence in everything. But don't let me interrupt you."

With a view to fixing the procedure in my mind, I took Thorndyke's written instructions from my pocket and read them over carefully. They were very full and explicit, making ample allowance for my lack of experience in medico-legal matters: Do not appear to make minute investigations or in any way excite remark.

The properties of blood are of great importance from a medico-legal point of view." "Can you tell us what happens when a drop of blood say from a cut finger falls upon a surface such as the bottom of an iron safe?"

The court then went more deeply into the medico-legal evidence. It were tedious to follow the course of this long argument. After a lengthy dissertation on the progress of an acute indigestion and the effects of a strangulated hernia M. Devergie said that, as the poison existed in the body, from the symptoms shown in the illness it could be assumed that death had resulted from arsenic.

Now and then, in obscure cases, however, the method will be undoubtedly of great service, as in the case above described. Too hasty conclusions, especially in medico-legal cases, may easily be reached.

DES TROUBLES PSYCHIQUES ET NEVROSIQUES POST-TRAUMATIQUES, Par R. Benon. G. Steinheil, editeur, Paris, 1913; pp. x-449. The author in this volume has written a clinical and medico-legal treatise on traumatic nervous affections from a broad and philosophical standpoint.

It took nearly three weeks before the unhappy business was finally disposed of. A Treasury solicitor was given the chance of his career by the medico-legal disquisition which cleared up an extraordinary record. The annals of the disease which predisposed Theodore Siddle to crime went back many years. He was a fairly wealthy man by inheritance, and adopted the profession of chemistry as a hobby.

If death occurred immediately after delivery, the uterus will be wide open, about 9 or 10 inches long, with clots of blood inside, and the inner surface lined by decidua. The difference between the virgin corpus luteum and that of recent pregnancy is not so marked as to justify a confident use of it for medico-legal purposes.

"There are more ways of catching a criminal, Leslie," put in Craig, "than are set down in the medico-legal text-books. I shall depend on you and Jameson to gather together a rather cosmopolitan crowd here to-night." He said it with a quiet confidence which I could not gainsay, although I did not understand.