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This last was a common mode of infant burial, and the mother of the child would often be found, long after, standing under the tree, and singing songs to her babe. Boone witnessed, too, the mode in which war-parties start off for war. The budget, or medicine-bag, is first made up.

The mere dead letter of a creed, however carefully preserved and reverently cherished, may be of no more spiritual or moral efficacy than an African fetish or an Indian medicine-bag. What we want is, orthodoxy in practice, the dry bones clothed with warm, generous, holy life.

One of two things you'll do with it: either you'll try to run it yourself, and you'll dip deeper and deeper into Poppa's medicine-bag till he gets sick of it and closes you up; or you'll hire some practical man to manage it, and insist on dividends that'll keep it just where it is now. And that's pretty low, even for a Worthington paper."

Poor Luke apologized many times for being such a nuisance and said that the whole thing had been his wife's idea. The Doctor, after he had sent below for his medicine-bag and had given Mrs. Luke some sal volatile and smelling-salts, said he thought the best thing to do would be for him to lend them some money and put them ashore at Penzance with Matthew.

"'Has the light-hair got a medicine-bag, or does she speak with spirits, that she has found me so easily? "The girl looked anxiously up in my face as if to read my thoughts, and then said, in a low voice, "'No, I neither carry the medicine-bag nor hold palaver with spirits; but I do think the good Manito must have led me here.

Their wigwams were hung with scalps, male and female, adult and infant; and these so-called missions were but nests of baptized savages, who wore the crucifix instead of the medicine-bag, and were encouraged by the Government for purposes of war. And yet they had been converts under Jesuit control for more than four generations.

This was the first time we had been apprised that the Indians ever carried from the field any other trophy than the scalp. These fingers were shown with great exultation; and, after an harangue, which we were left to presume was in praise of his exploits, the chief carefully replaced them among the valuable contents of his red medicine-bag.

On the night before the wedding the girl creeps to his lodge, but hesitates when she sees his medicine-bag hanging beside the door the medicine that has kept its owner from evil and is sacred from the touch of woman. As she lingers the night-breeze seems to bring a voice from the water: "Can a Dakota woman want courage when she is forced to marry the man she hates?" She delays no longer.

His dress was complete: shirt, leggins, moccasins, head-dress, necklace, belt, robe, medicine-bag, tobacco sack, pipe, quiver, bow, knife, lance, shield, tomahawk and war-club. And as he proudly stood erect, waiting, he made a splendid sight. His shirt was mountain-sheep skins, one before, one behind, sewed together at their edges.

Then they all ran harder than they had ever run in their lives; and the King's men, coming after them, began to run too; and the Captain ran hardest of all. Then the Doctor tripped over his medicine-bag and fell down in the mud, and the Captain thought he would surely catch him this time. But the Captain had very long ears though his hair was very short.