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Not until kind Doctor McCulloch had come almost daily for many weeks long enough for him to become much interested in both patient and nurse. A wonderful nurse Rose proved herself to be.

"I want you to suppress the Chicago Times because it does nothing but abuse the Administration." McCulloch was in the treasury. "Oh, tut, tut! The Administration can stand it, if the Times can."

The descent was fairly steep, so Brodie shut off the engine, and the big car crept on with a stealthy and noiseless rapidity which seemed to betoken an actual sense of danger. Suddenly they heard a loud splash, accompanied by a muffled explosion, and McCulloch relieved his feelings by a few words, the use of which is expressly forbidden by the police manual.

J. R. McCulloch, one of the foremost accredited writers on economic science, lays it down as a dictum, that "sixty years is the shortest time in which the capital of an old and densely-peopled country can be expected to be doubled." McCulloch. Mr.

Emmeline Pankhurst of England as the principal speaker. A unique automobile tour was made by Mrs. McCulloch and her husband, Frank McCulloch, both prominent lawyers in Chicago, and their four children, who devoted their annual vacation in the summer of 1912 to a tour through Wisconsin, the eldest son driving a big car, Mr. and Mrs.

At five of the afternoon they had passed all the familiar landmarks known to him, but by the alertness of young McCulloch he judged that they must be near the haunts allotted to his part of the Band. The Isle of Man lay faintly blue far to the south, and the hills about Skiddaw and Helvellyn began to uplift themselves in amethystine ridges.

The contest on the field, where Davis and Osterhaus were opposed to McCulloch and McIntosh, was fierce and determined until McCulloch and McIntosh were killed. Their numerous, but partially disciplined followers lost heart and direction, and before the close of day gave way before the persistent and orderly attack, and finally broke and left the field.

Then I fell to thinking how it could come about that Madge McCulloch might get into the habit of making tea for me, seeing I was too old to marry her, besides her being spoken for. Then I thought she might do it by keeping a hotel, and I says: "Speaking of keeping hotels " "Who's speaking of it?" "I am. I kept a hotel once." "Seaside?" he says. "No. Inland a bit." "Summer hotel?"

Falling into a walk they worked their way into their customary places and turned about, feeding as they went. Immediately when Sandy saw them safe he pressed forward to the side of the horseman where he beckoned Donald to join him. "I spied your plight from the ridge above, Sandy McCulloch," called the rider.

Then I saw Andrew McCulloch coming down from the front door to the gate, but he turned to the right at the gate, and went stumping away up the street, and Madge and Billy Corliss got up from crouching beside the fence, and Madge says: "Let's go in and get warm." And I says to myself, "It's a couple that's got good sense, too," for Andrew's fence was chilly.