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Then I heard one of these dining-room chairs being knocked over, and I rushed in " "You were just a minute too late!" Ralph groped for a matchbox on the mantel-shelf, struck a light, and applied it to the wick of the lamp. When the room was again visible, he told his friends what had happened.

Then, breaking the momentary silence, there came from outside a shrill whistle. Again there was a silence and then pandemonium! In a dozen different keys one heard the same shout: "The police!" Eve gripped my arm. My matchbox was out in a moment and I struck a match, holding it high over my head. As it burned a queer little halo of light seemed thrown over the table.

Into the barrel a cracker was thrust, the wick was ignited at a piece of smouldering 'punk which could be carried in the pocket in a tin matchbox and it only needed the exercise of a little imagination to satisfy oneself that the resulting explosion spread death and desolation in the ranks of the enemy.

He turned to the table where the matchbox stood at his elbow, took it up, rattled it, and laid it down. He pressed the tobacco hard with his thumb, and, turning to Horner, said sharply: 'What is it? 'I don't know yet; ruin, I think. 'Nonsense, man! said Conyngham cheerily. 'There is no such thing in this world. At least, the jolliest fellows I know are bankrupts, or no better.

The first thing that Ajax said, and his voice was not pleasant to hear, was: "This serves us right. Of all the confounded fools who meddle with what does not concern them, we are the greatest." Then I heard him fumbling for his matchbox, and then, when he discovered that it was empty, he made some more remarks not flattering to himself or me.

From his mouth he took a water-tight arrangement of a matchbox composed of two empty rifle-cartridges fitted snugly together. He lighted the wicking that floated on the oil, and I looked about, and knew disappointment. No burial-chamber was it, but merely a lava tube such as occurs on all the islands.

He could see the spot where he had first stood, talking to Carfax there where the ferns now glistened with silver. There was the place where Carfax had fallen. Bunker was smelling with his head down at the ground. What did the dog remember? What had Craven meant when he said that Bunker had found the matchbox? He stood silently looking down at the Hollow. In his heart now there was no terror.

Dinny Johnny, occupied with pulling up Mary O'Grady's saddle girths, and evading the snaps with which "Matchbox" acknowledged the attention, thought little of these rumours. "Nonsense!" he said; "whatever they do they'll let the hounds alone. Come on, Mary, you and me'll sneak down to the north side of the wood. He's bound to break there, and we've got to take every chance we can get."

Going into the kitchen he felt for the matchbox, and while the sulphur was burning with a blue light he had time to make out the figure of Matvey, which was still lying on the floor near the table, but now it was covered with a white sheet, and nothing could be seen but his boots. A cricket was chirruping.

Of course Cards is having a good shot at it, but he isn't down against the Harlequins on Saturday, and mighty sick he is about it." Craven got up to go. "Well, I must be moving. Perhaps Carfax is back in his rooms. There may be word of him anyway." Olva's pipe was out. The matchbox on the mantelpiece was empty. He felt in his pocket for the little silver box that he always carried.