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It seemed a foolish thing to think of, but Little Joyce thought hard about it; and when she had finished thinking, she got her little black doll and took it to bed with her, and there she cried herself to sleep. At the breakfast table next morning the Marshalls talked about the concert and the wonderful Madame Laurin.

I met Antonia downtown on Saturday afternoon, and learned that she and Tiny and Lena were going to the river next day with Anna Hansen the elder was all in bloom now, and Anna wanted to make elderblow wine. 'Anna's to drive us down in the Marshalls' delivery wagon, and we'll take a nice lunch and have a picnic. Just us; nobody else. Couldn't you happen along, Jim? It would be like old times.

The Marshalls apparently saw nothing more than a pair of very spirited "real Western horses like one reads about, you know," until Dr. Marshall, slowly coming out of a kind of anticipatory haze, as Boyar stood on his hind feet and tried to face the buckboard, recognized the black horse as Louise's saddle animal. He took a firmer grip on the seat and looked at Collie.

"I understand. Why, I must be late. There's the train for the north just leaving the station. I expected to be there in case the Marshalls did come to-day. But they said they'd telegraph." "I can see three folks on the platform," said Collie. "One is the agent; see his cap shine? Then there's a man and a woman." "If it's Anne, she'll never forgive me. She's so formal about things.

Baruch went neither to Barnes's shop nor to the Marshalls for nearly a month. One Sunday morning he was poring over the Moreh Nevochim, for it had proved too powerful a temptation for him, and he fell upon the theorem that without God the Universe could not continue to exist, for God is its Form. It was one of those sayings which may be nothing or much to the reader.

The Montgomerys; the Paynes, Harry and Fred; nor should the name of "Old Billy" Payne be omitted. "Billy" Payne it was, it will be remembered, who, in 1833, helped, from the stage of Covent Garden, the dying Edmund Kean. Then there were the Marshalls, Harry and Joseph; Charles and Richard Stilt; and a very original and amusing Clown, Richard Flexmore, died August 20, 1860, aged 36.

"You mean that you play it is," Miss Farlow corrected gravely. "You don't get in mischief or go where it's unsafe?" "Indeed I don't, Miss Farlow," said Anne, earnestly. "I just sit there and play with Honey-Sweet." "It's safe and near, and the Marshalls are away they wouldn't care," considered Miss Farlow. "I'll allow you to go there this one afternoon.

Tom Marshall was one of the most innocent men that I have ever known. He was not a New Yorker. He came, as he told me, of the Marshalls of Pogatuck, in Maine. The way that he said it made me understand that there was no bluer blood in the land than that running in the veins of the Pogatuck Marshalls, and it explained why the Knickerbockers were so willing to meet him as an equal.

The Round Church is surrounded by an arcade of narrow Early English arches, separated by a series of heads, which are chiefly restorations. Against the wall, behind the Marshalls, is the effigy of Robert Ros, Governor of Carlisle in the reign of John.

The most enlightened and far-seeing men of the district were alarmed at the outlook; and a vigorous campaign in favor of orderly action was begun, under the lead of men like the Marshalls.