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Meanwhile, he flaunted it in the streets, the shops, the theatres. His very publicity baulked us. We tracked him daily his sister and I, in our peasant dress; but found never a chance to surprise him alone. His eyes, which rested nowhere, never detected us. We hunted him together, not consulting Marc'antonio and Stephanu, but rather agreeing to keep them out of the way.

"I tell you," she said, "that Giuseppe's death rests on the prisoner's word alone. Marc'antonio and Stephanu have gone down and will bring us the truth of it. Meanwhile I say that this one is our prisoner, like as the others. Give him room and let him wait by his friend. Does any one say 'nay' to that?" she demanded. The scowling man, with a glance at his comrades' faces, gave way.

"To be sure it was enough to madden all the saints: and the Prince is not one of them. . . ." "What was enough to madden all the saints, O Marc'antonio?" I asked from my bed. Already he had turned in some confusion, surprised by the sound of his own voice. He was down on hands and knees, and had been blowing upon the embers of a wood fire, kindled under a pan of goat's milk.

The goat herself browsed in the sunlight beyond the doorway, in the circuit allowed by a twenty-foot tether. "What was enough to madden all the saints, O Marc'antonio?" "Why," said he, savagely, "your standing up to him and denying his birth and his sister's before all the crowd. I did not think that anything could have saved you."

Therefore I knew you would not have quitted it, if alive; and if you were dead " Stephanu shrugged his shoulders. "I was in a hurry, you understand; and in a hurry a man must take a few risks." "I am not saying you did ill," growled Marc'antonio, slightly mollified. "The Princess said so, however.

At daybreak Marc'antonio and Stephanu came down the pass and found me digging the grave. I thought at first that they intended me some harm, for their faces were ill-humoured enough in all conscience; but they carried each a spade, and after growling a salutation, set down their guns and struck in to help me with my work.

Twice a week Marc'antonio would leave me for five or six hours and return with bread, and at whiles with a bag of dried figs or a basket of cheeses and olives for supplement.

God, how good to see it and be alive! Marc'antonio bore me up through the swimming air and laid me in the shadow of the cave her cave. It was empty as she had left it, and my back pressed the very bed of fern on which she had lain. The fern was dry now, after long winnowing by the wind that found its way into every crevice of this mountain summit. How could I choose but think of her?

It was I that fired the shot I that killed your friend!" The girl shrugged her shoulders indifferently. "Ah, well then, Marc'antonio, since you will have it so, give me my gun again and hand yours to the cavalier. Do as I tell you, please," she commanded, as the man turned to her with a dropping jaw. "Princess, I implore you " "You are a coward, Marc'antonio." "Have it so," he answered sullenly.

With this scene Baccio so satisfied the Pope, that he took steps to have it engraved on copper by Marc'Antonio Bolognese, which was done by Marc'Antonio with great diligence; and his Holiness created Baccio, in order to do honour to his talents, a Chevalier of S. Pietro.