United States or Caribbean Netherlands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The valleys of Trinidad and Grenada have grown cocoa for upwards of a hundred years, but up to the present time very little in the way of manuring has been done beyond the natural vegetable deposits of the forest. In many estates of recent years cattle have been quartered in temporary pens on the hills, moving on month by month, with a large central pen for the stock down on the savanna.

I wish I could preach a very loud sermon to all my farmer friends on the great value of liberal manuring to carry crops successfully through the effects of a severe drouth.

In every field there were places where the rocks pierced through the scanty soil, and stood out, grey and sharp, amid the grass and the ripening corn. The salt-laden winds and the fogs from the sea swept over them. Miss Priscilla spent no money in draining or manuring them; for was not the lease to pass away when she died, and she was nearly sixty years of age already?

By August 24 about two hundred loads of manure from the barn-yards, the accumulation of years, had been spread under the apple trees, and I felt sure it was well bestowed. Manuring, turning the sod, pruning, and spraying, ought to give a good crop of fruit next year. We had several days of rain during this time, which interfered somewhat with the work, but the rains were gratefully received.

We have not only large areas of good fruit land at reasonable rates, but the Government of Queensland, through its Department of Agriculture, is always ready to give full information to intending settlers, to assist them in their selection of suitable land, to advise them as to the kinds of fruit to plant, to give practical advice in the cultivation, pruning, manuring, and general management of the orchard as well as in the disposal or utilisation of the fruit when grown; in short, to help the beginner to start on the right lines, so that he will be successful.

The father of Joe H had cleared the farm, and while the soil was new it gave good crops; but as the rich surface, or "black muck," as it is called, became exhausted by continual cropping, nothing but a poor, meagre soil remained. The early settlers were wretched farmers; they never ploughed deep enough, and never thought of manuring the land.

How this object is to be attained it is difficult to see, but we can certainly do something towards attaining it by very light pruning; and I would suggest here that planters should make experiments both in pruning and manuring, with the view of growing the young wood earlier in the season.

The animal-drawn plough seems to have been invented during this period, and from now on, some metal agricultural implements like iron sickles and iron plough-shares became more common. A fallow system was introduced so that cultivation became more intensive. Manuring of fields was already known in Shang time.

The disillusion, if there really had ever been any true hope on his part, was effected even more quickly than before. Six weeks of manuring had brought him to enthusiastic thankfulness that it was near done: "That abominable gold-mine! Thank God, we anticipate getting rid of its treasures in the course of two or three days!

When you have the tree to advise you of the condition of the soil, you do not need a chemist, although if the tree manifests serious distress and is unable to make satisfactory growth the suggestions of a chemist may be very helpful. Fertilizing Oranges. What is the general and what do you consider the ideal, manuring, and when applied for orange trees from 15 to 12 years old under irrigation?