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We must loosen her dress, and take other measures for her recovery." "Yes, yes! Great Heaven! yes! Do all you can for her! This is maddening!" groaned the marquis, smiting his forehead as he left the bedside, yielding his place to the dowager. "Do try to command yourself, Lord Arondelle. This is, indeed, a most awful shock.

It was not this seeming mishap that had brought the startled cry from his lips, but the crash of sundering wood, and the sudden disappearance of the lone fisherman below the rim of the river bank; for the log had finally betrayed Jerry, and dropped him into that swirling, maddening current above the high falls! Will dashed madly toward the river bank.

Dick with King Charles' head; yet it is maddening, and indeed most monstrously unfair, that the work of these splendid men should pass unnoticed and unsung. It need hardly be said that I am not complaining on my own behalf. Heaven forbid!

"It's maddening to sit here, doing nothing." "And it will be comparatively safe to go from here to our former post of observation," added Tom, "for there doesn't seem to be any opening along the tunnel, into the larger cave, except the place where we were." Accordingly they started off. Cautiously they looked through the opening into the apartment where they had seen the diamonds made.

She did not know where any of her things were. How maddening it was to be without a maid! More than once, now that Nigel was back and she could not go to Baroudi, she almost wished that she had kept Marie. Would it have been very unwise to keep her? She pulled out drawer after drawer. She was quite hot and tired before she had found what she wanted. What would life be like in a tent?

Instinctively he craved relief, and that alleviation could come in but one way, through physical activity. Again he sought the street. To some persons a great relief from loneliness is found in mingling with a crowd, even though it be of strangers; but Ben was not like these. His desire was to be away as far as possible from the maddening drone.

Every moment Sabine was attracting him more deeply and bringing certain memories more vividly before him with maddening tantalization. But did she love Henry? Of that he could not be sure. If she did, he certainly must divorce her at once. If she did not why was she wishing to marry him?

The first decade was merely a prolongation of the vain search for freedom, the boom that seemed ever barely to elude their grasp, like a tantalizing will-o'-the-wisp, maddening and misleading the headless host.

Sunk by the banks, awhile he weeps, Then raised his arms to Jove, and cried, "Stay thou, oh stay the maddening tide; Midway behold the swift sun sweeps, And, ere he sinks adown the deeps, If I should fail, his beams will see My friend's last anguish slain for me!"

This, then, was the marvellous, enchanting, maddening end of all that year of restlessness and wanting! This bit of Spring suddenly given to him in the midst of Autumn. Her lips, her eyes, her hair; her touching confidence; above all quite unbelievable her love. Not really love perhaps, just childish fancy.