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Accordingly, I made up my mind to get on the trail of the adventurers and stick to it until I found them. My "mate" at the time was a man whom I will call MacLean. That was not his name, but it will do as well as if it were.

Although Captain Maclean, in what he said, never lost sight of the relative situations in which we had been placed, there was a kindness of manner, especially in the last words, "I wish you well," which went to my heart. I replied that I had been very happy during the time I had been under his command, and thanked him for his good wishes. I then bowed and left the cabin.

Such is the narrative of Lieutenant Maclean, respecting a people whose habits are as peculiar as his account of them must be interesting to Englishmen. September 21st, 1827. On this day I attended the Court, to hear the trial to which I have already alluded. It was a case of adultery, and the parties were all free blacks. The action was brought by a carpenter against the Rev.

"Come, my boy, eat your porridge, or it will begetting cold," said Mr Maclean, lifting Norman into the air, and placing him down in the chair as if he had been a little baby. Norman felt indignant, as he liked to be treated as a big boy.

It is remarkable, that the same fidelity, the same loyalty, that sacrificed every possession to the cause of James Stuart, has been, since the extinction of that cause, worthily employed, with distinguished talent and success, in the service of Government. Such instances are not uncommon in the history of the Jacobites. Brown's Highlands. Historical Account of the Clan Maclean, p. 4.

Beresford caught sight of the Inspector's face and chuckled like a schoolboy caught in mischief. This gay procession, with its half-breeds in tri-colored woolen coats, its gay-plumed voyageurs suggesting gallant troubadours of old in slashed belts and tassels, was not quite the sort of return to set Inspector MacLean cheering. Externally, at least, he was a piece of military machinery.

Maclean nodded, crossed the grating, and began to climb. Sievers, armed with a hammer, followed at his heels. There were three men in the engine-room, an engineer and two cleaners. They took the climbers for stokers, and went on with their occupations. Maclean sidled to the door across the grating and closed it in the twinkling of an eye.

He met the gardener, who, however, took no notice of him. "He at all events knows nothing about what has happened," he thought. At a little distance off was Mrs Maclean with scissors in hand, trimming; her roses, but she only looked up for a moment, wondering why Norman should be running about without his hat. "It's all right, the bird cannot have been killed after all," he thought.

General Carleton himself escaped in a small boat under cover of night, and reached Quebec. Captain Wilson's company had been attached to the command of Colonel Maclean, and with it arrived in Quebec in safety. Upon the arrival of Montgomery with his army the city was summoned to surrender.

"Mistress Truelove, I have read the good book that you gave me, and I cannot deny that I am much beholden to you," and her debtor sighed like a furnace. The girl's quiet face flushed to the pink of a seashell, and her eyes grew eager. "Then does thee not see the error of thy ways, Angus MacLean? If it should be given me to pluck thee as a brand from the burning!