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Bombay said his arguments were, that Bana knew better than anybody else what he was about, and he would follow him, trusting to luck, as God was the disposer of all things, and men could die but once.

Now, if I'm correct, just back up there on that hill we'll find the remains of the railway cut, and less than ten miles north of here lies all that's left of Buffalo. Some luck, eh? Cast away, only fifteen miles or so from a place like that. And we might have gone to Great Bear Lake, or to h-m! to any other place, for all the cyclone cared.

"I suppose you are surprised to see me in this business," said Tom, awkwardly. "There is nothing to be ashamed of," said Grant. "It is an honest business." "It's an awful come down for me," said Tom, uncomfortably. "The fact is, I've had hard luck." "I am sorry to hear that," said Grant. "I expected a place in Wall Street, but I came just too late, and things are awful dull anyway.

It needed a Luck Lindsay smile to bring any answering light into the harassed face of that cashier, but it got there after the first surprised glance. Luck stood his camera screwed to its tripod against the wall by the door. "I'm Luck Lindsay, Mr. White," he announced in his easy, Texas drawl.

"He played square he's a better man than I. Dan, when you get him, do it the same way face to face with time for him to think of hell before he gets there. Partner, I'm going. Wish me luck." "Tex partner good luck!" It seemed as if that parting wish was granted, for Calder died with a smile.

Outside the door he picked up a small stone from the newly graveled walk and hurled it singing through the top of a nearby poplar. He simply had to throw something. "You poor prune!" he addressed himself. "You never did have enough sense to know when you were well off." Lady Luck Deserts

He had to leave to-morrow at two, though, having to sail the same night, but of course it would be luck to go farther south than Charcot and make another attack on the Antarctic night. I could see that life was full of faith and hope and all good things for him, and remembering some episodes of the past I said: "So you are going 'asploring' in earnest at last?"

"I wish you all the luck in the world." He brightened responsively at that but looked, she thought, a little surprised, too. "I am glad you're pleased about it," he told her. "I wasn't quite sure you'd know. Of course, they telephoned." She stepped back, puzzled. "But of course I know!" she said. "Haven't I been working on it for weeks! Why, it was right here in this room that they decided on it.

The King thought of conferring the Abbey of Saint Germain des Pres upon his younger brother; to this I was opposed, imagining, perhaps without reason, that such succession would bring bad luck.

Luck was obviously against him, and he might be forced to walk half-way to the next shack, from which the other linesman would start. The snow was loose and blew about in a kind of frozen dust that was intolerably painful to his smarting skin.