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"Well, when you put us in there, we was just in a minute when we allowed it wasn't a mighty safe place, and we allowed we'd get out. And we did. We skedaddled 'round and 'round until it 'peared like we was going to get cotched, and then we flung ourselves down in the cow-stalls where it's low-like just dirt floor and then we just naturally went a-whooping under the barn floor when the Yanks come.

"The poor lad, but it makes me heart ache to see him so low-like, setting so quiet in the house, and him thinking, thinking all the blessed while, and never a word out o' his mouth to complain. He's a rale good lad, and it's sorry I am that he should take on so bad, and all for the sake o' a pair o' bright eyes!

You could see the big tears squeeze out, although he fought to wink them back. He held to Laddie and said low-like, only for him to hear: "It's all right if you stay by a while, old man." He began to talk slowly. "It was a long time before I caught up, and then I had to hide, and follow until day, and he wasn't so very easy to handle. Once I thought he had me sure!

Well, that's a pity; yu'll be falin' low-like." Pasiance tossed her head, snatched up the cat, and ran indoors. I remained staring at Mrs. Hopgood. "Dear-dear," she clucked, "poor lamb. So to spake it's " and she blurted out suddenly, "chuckin' full of wra-ath, he is. Well, there!" My courage failed that evening.

Poppy turned very red. "No, Miss Jasmine, darling, I couldn't," she said, in the meekest voice. Poppy's tones were so unlike those she usually employed that Jasmine glanced at her in some surprise. "Why, Poppy, how funny you are!" she exclaimed. "Is anything the matter?" "Don't you notice it, Miss Jasmine, but I'm a bit low-like," said Poppy.

'There's only one man between us and a hundred thousand dollars in gold. And Falk Kipping was talking to Falk low-like and didn't know I was anywhere about and Falk says, 'No, that's too much. Then he says, wild-like, 'Shoot go on and shoot. Then Kipping laughs and says, 'So you've got a little gumption, have you? and he shot Captain Whidden and killed him. Don't point that pistol at me, sir!

"Well, when you put us in there, we was just in a minute when we allowed it wasn't a mighty safe place, and we allowed we'd get out. And we did. We skedaddled 'round and 'round until it 'peared like we was going to get cotched, and then we flung ourselves down in the cow stalls where it's low-like just dirt floor and then we just naturally went a-whooping under the barn floor when the Yanks come.