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When we asked him what ailed him, he told us that he had left his book behind him, the book that he had been so deep in a little while ago; and for all we could say to him, he would not be prevailed upon, but must needs return for his precious love-tale.

It so often happens that the first love of woman is accompanied with a bashful timidity, which overcomes the effort, while it increases the desire, to shine, that the union of love and timidity has been called inseparable, in the hackneyed language of every love-tale.

Nor was my confidence misplaced. The woman, as I guessed, was touched somewhere back in her female heart by my melting love-tale, by my anxiety and Heru's peril. Besides, a ghost in search of a fairy lady and such the slender folk of Seth were still considered to be by the race which had supplanted them this was romance indeed. To be brief, that good woman proved invaluable.

While these reflections gave an air of absurd perplexity to the poor man's visage, Waverley, reflecting on the communication he was about to make to him, of a nature so ridiculously contrasted with the appearance of the individual, could not help bursting out a-laughing, as he checked the propensity to exclaim with Syphax Cato's a proper person to intrust A love-tale with. As Mr.

Dante rubbed his forehead and wondered. "I have been dreaming," he murmured, "and the love-tale in the book colored my thoughts." Now, though all this vision, or whatever you may please to call it, seemed brief enough, it took longer than the telling, for Messer Dante told me that the next thing he knew was that he heard my voice calling to him.

Widows have not that maiden modesty to thwart their wishes, which so often prevents a true love-tale from being told. And all that the widow could not tell, Babette, duly instructed, told for her; and it was understood, before the cutter's arrival, that Corporal Van Spitter was the accepted lover of the Frau Vandersloosh.

It was merely the old well-worn tale, so common through all the world. "He had laughed on the lass with his bonny black eye!" and she, she was ready to go "to the mountain to hear a love-tale!" One may say that an occurrence so very common could not want much telling. "Mamma; he says " "Well, my dear?" "He says . Oh, mamma! I could not help it."

"Oh ye gone from the gaze of these ridded eyne, * Ye whose sight in my spirit shall ever dwell! Your charms are gone, but this heart of me * Hath no sweet, and no pleasures its sour dispel; If Allah's grace make us meet again, * In long drawn love-tale my love I'll tell."

She tried to imagine the lover in the play going from balcony to balcony, sighing the same impassioned love-tale to woman after woman; or to imagine him with many wives at home, to whom would be taken the news of his death in the tomb of his last.

They were idling about the drinking booths, delicately stupid with quaint, thin wines, dealt out to all who asked; the maids were ready to chevy or be chevied through the blossoming thickets by anyone who chanced upon them, the men slipped their arms round slender waists and wandered down the paths, scarce seeming to care even whose waist it was they circled or into whose ear they whispered the remainder of the love-tale they had begun to some one else.