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More, my son; it is intended for more hundreds than it now contains single individuals. Myself. I observe that some rude attempts have been made to fortify it; the walls are pierced with loopholes in every direction. Rector. The nationals of Valladolid visited us a few days ago, and committed much useless damage; they were rather rude, and threatened me with their clubs: poor men, poor men.

One of the men carrying the beam fell, as did an officer who was leading them; but instantly another caught up the end of the timber, and in a moment a crowd were clustered round the door. Several caught hold of the beam, and swung it as though they meant to use it as a battering ram. Two more puffs of smoke spurted out from the loopholes, and again two of the men fell.

The shots came from the loopholes less frequently, and presently ceased altogether. "I would give a good deal to know what they are up to," Dick said, after a long pause. "Shall I look through the loophole?" Surajah asked. "Certainly not. There will be a man standing at each of them, waiting in expectation of our taking a look out." "But there are none in front," Surajah said.

The room was still a prison, a prison with broken mortar covering the floor and loopholes for windows; but the captive was held by other chains than those of force. When she might have gone free, her woman's love surviving all that he had done to kill it, chained her to his side with fetters which old wrongs and present danger were powerless to break.

The Saguntines, pale with the rage of impotence, endeavored in vain to stay the destruction. The besieging tower, rolling over a level tract impelled by men hidden behind it, moved from place to place, scattering death, and at times it drew so near that the besieged could hear the voices of the bowmen who shot through the loopholes.

There was a gate which could be barred heavily, and loopholes were made every yard or so for musket fire. On one side that facing the uplift of the ridge the walls rose to nine feet. Inside we made a division. In one half the horses were picketed at night, and the other was our dwelling.

The body of the building, we could see, was full of loopholes, and commanded every approach, and there was no tree or outhouse sufficiently near to interfere with this arrangement, or any unequal ground which a foe could take advantage of. At some distance to the left of the castle, as Mr.

So Helen was taken by Deiphobus, the brother of Paris, to live in his own house, and Deiphobus was at this time the best warrior and the chief captain of the men of Troy. Meanwhile, the Greeks made an assault against the Trojan walls and fought long and hardily; but, being safe behind the battlements, and shooting through loopholes, the Trojans drove them back with loss of many of their men.

The sheriff took two heavy axes that hung from his saddle, and handed them to two of the men. "I reckoned we should have trouble," he said. "However, I hope we sha'n't have to use these. My idea is to crawl up through the corn-field until we are within shooting distance, and then to open fire at the loopholes.

Loopholes were soon manned, and the enemy were driven back from the mill door. The roaring torch of each cottage thatch showed them in the redness of their uniforms, good marks for enraged refugees; so they drew a little farther westward still, along the hot narrow street of San Joachim du Petit Cap.