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"'In fact, said he, with the tone of one who concludes an argument in which he has had only imaginary opponents, and in which, therefore, he has come off triumphant 'in fact, it is a good thing altogether to be light-bodied. "'But it is a bad thing altogether to be light-minded, retorted the queen, who was beginning to lose her temper.

Providence hath deigned to rescue me from this abyss, and I direct my conduct since my conversion by the admonitions the Director of my conscience gives me. But I have been so light-minded and thoughtless as not to seek his advice on this question of New Year's gifts.

The Castle of Joyous Gard was always full of laughter; not the wild giggling, I think, of reckless people, which the writer of Proverbs said was like the crackling of thorns under a pot; that is a wearisome and even an ugly thing, because it does not mean that people are honestly amused, but have some basely exciting thing in their minds. Laughter must be light-hearted, not light-minded.

Pierre pretended not to hear, for his companion was so light-minded that he did not care to trust him with a secret which was not his own. Besides, a feeling of uneasiness was returning to him, a kind of chaste terror at the thought that the world and the flesh were there taking their revenge, amidst all the mystical enthusiasm which he could feel around him.

He endured this with his usual stoical reticence, although there is nothing like debt to sicken a man's heart, unless he be a decidedly light-minded man. Better fortune, however, was on its way to him in the shape of a political revolution.

"Ramses XIII wishes to improve the lot of laborers and artisans, and give them every seventh day to rest; he forbids to beat them without trial, and perhaps he will find land for them." "But I tell thee that he is light-minded," said the irritated Menes. "Two months ago I sent him a great plan for lessening the toil of laborers, and he laughed at me. He is conceited and ignorant!"

"'Twarn't a man, 'twas a gal," put in young Adam, "I seed Molly Merryweather goin' toward the low grounds as I come up." "Then it's most likely to have been she," commented Solomon, "for she is a light-minded one, as is proper an' becomin' in a child of sin."

"I am thy servant, holy Father, and well pleased with the opportunity that permits me to serve the gods." "I know, and therefore have I chosen thee. My trusted courier is dead; the others are light-minded, and Tape is in the height of festivity.

I had only just despatched the last of the preceding pages of this paper when the dreadful news came of a new iniquity committed in regard to the Russian people by those light-minded men who, crazed with power, have appropriated the right of managing them.

'And if aught in my words gave thee cause for offence, Sylvia, it was because my heart rose within me at the kind of talk thee and she had been having about Philip; and her evil and light-minded counsel to thee about waiting seven years, and then wedding another. Hard as these words may seem when repeated, there was something of a nearer approach to an apology in Mrs.