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'All right, he muttered, and laid them upon the floor. At this instant, a mouse ran across the floor, and then about a dozen others, shrieking like a sharp blast of autumn wind. The Lifter rose to his feet and glanced about, and then shaded the feeble glim with his hand.

'Ah, those dark waters have many secrets. I am afraid to tell you; the very bushes about us seem to have ears. Do not be afraid, Roland replied. 'I am certain that there is nobody within ear-shot. 'Ah! well, these dark waters have closed over many an unhappy head, even since my entry into this hell of crime. 'The Lifter told me of the minister's fate.

The cop jabbered some more into the radio, and the laborer with the lifter brought it and let it down, and Murell sat down on his luggage. Tom lit a cigarette and gave it to him, and told him to remain perfectly still. In a couple of minutes, an ambulance was coming, its siren howling. The pilot and his helper were both jackleg medics, at least as far as first aid.

Presently our hero saw a strange head rise from the cavern; and then the entire figure appeared. The disguise was most complete, and the robber, whichever one he was, held a buck-saw in his hand. 'Off buckeen, whispered The Lifter. The fellow wore a very ragged coat, and corresponding breeches; but our hero could not remember having seen him before.

I didn't see him reach for it, or where he drew it from. It was just in his hand, firing, and the empty brass flew up and came down on the concrete with a jingle on the heels of the report. We had all stopped short, and the roustabout who was towing the lifter came hurrying up. Murell simply stood gaping at Bish.

I took as an offering to the hope and heir of the Talbots a toy much like what we in England call Jack-in-a-box, but in France is termed a Diable, as it is intended to represent his Satanic majesty, and alarm the lifter of the lid by popping up a black visage.

There is no single member of mine which lacketh right and truth. Door bolts. "We will not let thee enter in through us unless thou tellest our names." Deceased. "'Tongue of the place of Right and Truth' is your name." Right post. "I will not let thee enter in by me unless thou tellest my name." Deceased. "'Scale of the lifter up of right and truth' is thy name." Left post.

I saw them not, heard not of them, gave ear to no word of them: of them I can tell no tidings, nor win the fee of him who tells. Not like a lifter of cattle, a stalwart man, am I: no task is this of mine: hitherto I have other cares; sleep, and mother's milk, and about my shoulders swaddling bands, and warmed baths. Let none know whence this feud arose!

At the roadside stood the horses, and each man vaulted into the saddle. 'Here, Capteen, you better have the shiners, the Lifter said, taking the heavy and rather clumsy sack from Joe, and flinging it across the croup of his father's saddle. 'It is worth carrying, and worth fighting for. Then the robbers were away over the frosty road like a sudden blast of a wintry wind.

"I went up to see how Marnik was making out. As I came out of the lifter tube, one of the obscenities took a shot at me with a hunting pistol. He missed me; I didn't miss him. Then a couple more of them were coming up, with fowling pieces; I shot one of them before they could fire, and jumped into the descent tube and came down heels over ears. I don't know what's happened to Marnik."