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Which has your poor unfortunate husband accepted?" Charmian handed the tea. She felt Madame Sennier's hard and observant eyes they were yellow eyes, and small fixed upon her. "Claude's libretto has never been offered to anyone else," she answered. Madame Sennier slightly shrugged her shoulders. "And so Gillier is with your husband!" she observed. Apparently she was clairvoyante.

"We must have it all cut and dried before I sail," said Crayford. "And I can't stay much longer; ought really have been back home along by now." "Let me help you! I'll do anything!" she cried. "And, by Gee! I believe you could if you set your mind to it," he answered. "Now, see here " They plunged deep into the libretto. Crayford was resolved to astonish New York with his production of the opera.

"H'm, a libretto!" replied Lemm; "no, that is not in my line; I have not now the liveliness, the play of the imagination, which is needed for an opera; I have lost too much of my power... But if I were still able to do something, I should be content with a song; of course, I should like to have beautiful words..."

When the accident happened, Cordova was singing the mad scene in Lucia for the last time in that season, and she had never sung it better. The Bride of Lammermoor is the greatest love-story ever written, and it was nothing short of desecration to make a libretto of it; but so far as the last act is concerned the opera certainly conveys the impression that the heroine is a raving lunatic.

Beethoven took up his quarters in the theatre again as soon as the libretto was ready for him and went to work at it with a will. But he was not at his best in operatic writing, this symphonist, this creator of great orchestral forms. The opera was an alien soil to him; composition never an easy matter to Beethoven, was more difficult than ever in the case of Fidelio.

Morell we determined to write an oratorio that should attempt to supply the want. In order to make our libretto as plausible as possible, we adopted the dictum of Monsieur Jourdain's Maitre a danser: "Lorsqu'on a des personnes a faire parler en musique, il faut bien que, pour la vraisemblance, on donne dans la bergerie."

Novello's music-shop in Wardour Street. Charles Jennens, writing to his cousin Lord Guernsey on September 19, 1738, remarks that "Mr. Handel's head is more full of maggots than ever." Towards the end of July he had begun the composition of Saul, for which Jennens had provided the libretto three years before. It is evident that Handel intended to startle his audiences with his new oratorio scheme.

'Hélène' is a more favourable example of Saint Saëns's many-sided talent. The libretto, which is the work of the composer himself, deals with the flight of Helen and Paris from Sparta, and the greater part of the one act of which the opera consists is devoted to an impassioned duet between the lovers.

The libretto of "Robert the Devil" is absurd in its conceptions and sensational in its treatment of the story, notwithstanding that it came from such famous dramatists as Scribe and Delavigne; and it would have been still worse had it not been for Meyerbeer.

The libretto was touched upon. Alston surely begged her to read it. Or did she offer to do so, induced and deliciously betrayed into the definite by Alston? She and he were supposed to be playing into each other's hands. But, in that matter of the libretto, Charmian never was able to believe that they did so. The whole thing seemed somehow to "come about of itself."