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It meant years of wrestling for the weekly pay-roll, often in apprehension of the sheriff, but for better or for worse I stuck to it and gradually established a good business. I found satisfaction in production and had many pleasant experiences. In illustration I reproduce an order I received in 1884 from Fred Beecher Perkins, librarian of the recently established free public library.

Wells, I don't like the tone which you assume towards me." "Mr. Allison, I shouldn't like it if you did." For one moment Allison stared at the librarian, and Wells glared unflinchingly back. The magnate was mad in earnest now. "By God! Mr. Wells, you're the only man in this city who dares treat me with disrespect, and I won't have it!" "By gad, Mr.

Bear in mind the great extent and variety of the objects which come under the care of the librarian, all of which are to be classified and reduced to order. This great complexity of material, too, exhibits only the physical aspect of the librarian's labors.

In the face of such an extremity, which he had long foreseen and expected, the old beau's course was determined in advance. A Monpavon in the police-court, a Monpavon librarian at Mazas! Never!

Librarian, University College, Dublin. It would be difficult to dispute, in view of her innumerable and excellent artists, that there has always been in modern times an art consciousness in Ireland, but it is impossible to assert that there has been any artistic unity in her people.

Later, some librarian friends from Brooklyn, chief among whom was Miss Marion Cutter, came down to help us; but our inability to have continuity when the ladies cannot afford to give their valuable services, has seriously handicapped the efficiency of this branch of the work.

Bodley himself gave a magnificent Romance of Alexander that had belonged in 1466 to Richard Woodville, Lord Rivers. The librarian contributed about a hundred volumes, including early MSS. procured from Balliol and Merton by his persuasion.

There must not be nagging of young people nor wasting of words. When a transgressor is told to do anything, it must be done in such a manner, and without anger or annoyance in voice, if possible, so that a librarian can turn away and know the order will be obeyed.

But you will find a children's librarian whose business and pleasure it is to help children to the right books. If this book helps you to form the library habit, and gives you an incentive to the further study of art and literature, it will more than fulfill its mission.

Thoreau explained to the President that the railroad had destroyed the old scale of distances, that the library was useless, yes, and President and College useless, on the terms of his rules, that the one benefit he owed to the College was its library, that, at this moment, not only his want of books was imperative, but he wanted a large number of books, and assured him that he, Thoreau, and not the librarian, was the proper custodian of these.