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"He's not what you might call a scientific navigator," said Pyecroft, still in the dinghy, but rising like a fairy from a pantomime trap. "The lead's what 'e goes by mostly; rum is what he's come for; an' Brixham is 'is 'ome. Lay on, Mucduff!"

Chase: "Below you on the right runs the Marne, and over there, beyond those hills, do you see that long straight line of trees?" "Yes." "Well, that's the road that lead's from Paris to Metz!" At that moment I'm confident he hadn't the slightest arriere pensee. On Monday, the 27th, Mrs. Preston, having decided to take her leave, I determined to accompany her to Paris.

"Heave the lead, Mr Moor," said the captain, who stood beside the wheel. "Yes, sir," answered the imperturbable second mate, who thereupon gave the necessary order, and when the depth was ascertained, the report was "Ten fathoms, sand, with a hot bottom." "A hot bottom! what do you mean?" "The lead's 'ot, sir," replied the sailor.

While Jack waited, irresolute what to do, a volley sounded across the pond, evidently the fellows whom he had seen, keeping up the fusilade to distract the fugitives. "They've wasted enough lead to fight a battle," he heard one of the men say, scornfully. "Well, that's what lead's for," a philosopher remarked, stirring the embers.

"Go ahead, man," said Long Jack, impatiently. "We're not drawin' twenty-five fut off Fire Island in a fog. There's no trick to ut." "Don't be jealous, Galway." The released lead plopped into the sea far ahead as the schooner surged slowly forward. "Soundin' is a trick, though," said Dan, "when your dipsey lead's all the eye you're like to hev for a week. What d'you make it, Dad?"

He would lie by the hour murmuring a boy's woods lore to Gray Stoddard, communicating deep secrets of where a bee tree might be found; where, known only to him, there was a deeply hidden spring of pure freestone water, "so cold it'll make yo' teeth chatter"; and which one of old Lead's pups seemed likely to turn out the best coon dog.

Slowly Grump's hand emerged from beneath the Pet's head, and with it came a leather bag containing gold dust. The colonel drew a perfect bead on Grump's temple. "I'll jest wait till you're stowin' that away, my golden-haired beauty," said the colonel, within himself, "an' then we'll see what cold lead's got to say about it."

The green lead's the best ledge in the Blue's, and 'most everybody seems to be gettin' along pretty well. That ain't luck. It's God Almighty arrangin' things for the best." He sat for a moment, and gave a long sigh, as if there were something else in his mind that had not been uttered.

And the British yelled at him, 'Don't shoot that deserter, lead's too good for him. We'll try an Indian trick on him!" Andy's face grew grave. "He's a brave man," he whispered, and drew Janie's arm within his own.

"That would mess up a man's dealing hand, wouldn't it?" "The last two jokers who were too cheap to feed the machine had to have 'em off. Their arms, I mean. That lead's heavy stuff." "I don't suppose your machine has a habit of getting stuck, like Kippy's?" The broad-shouldered man frowned. "You're a stranger," he said, "You don't know any better." "It's a fair game, Mister," someone called.