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On one long-to-be-remembered occasion, a man of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, managed to "square" the guard, a pleasant-faced young German, in some manner we could never fathom, so that the latter actually brought to us two spoons and a wash basin full of boiled barley, which we ate in the latrine.

Snare loops for small game would have to be sturdier than on Terra, since like most things on Homeworld, the rabbit-equivalents tended toward the large economy size. It was dark when he reached camp again after setting the snares and pausing to dig a small latrine pit.

"I think there's two guys trying to break loose out of here." "Who? If you're wrong it'll be the worse for you, remember that." "Surley an' Watson. I heard 'em talkin' about it behind the latrine." "Damn fools." "They was sayin' they'd rather be dead than keep up this life." "They did, did they?" "Don't talk so loud, Sarge. It wouldn't do for any of the fellers to know I was talkin' to yer.

"Come here, I want to talk to you." It was the Kid's voice. There was no light in the ill-smelling shack that served for a latrine. Outside they could hear the guard humming softly to himself as he went back and forth before the barracks door. "Let's you and me be buddies, Skinny." "Sure," said Andrews. "Say, what d'you think the chance is o' cuttin' loose?" "Pretty damn poor," said Andrews.

"After all," he went on with a smile, "we have already demonstration by the absurd, but this may be called demonstration by the abject, for if the Eucharistic mystery is sublime, it is not the same with spiritualism, which is after all only the latrine of the supernatural!"

I complimented Doris on her dwelling and its furnishings and she at once insisted on showing us all over it: the kitchen, bath and latrine beyond the tiny courtyard and upstairs a second triclinium, as tiny as that below, and four tiny bed-rooms, with handsomely carved beds, piled with deep, soft feather beds and feather-pillows.

At fifteen rods' distance from the Indian position on the hill we did not dare unchain our wagons. Inside the corral, south of the graves, we constructed a latrine, and, north of the rifle pit in the centre, a couple of men were told off by father to dig a well for water. In the mid-afternoon of that day, which was the second day, we saw Lee again.

He lay awake, staring into the darkness, his body throbbing with the monotonous rhythms of the work of the day. He seemed still to hear the sickening whine in the man's voice as he talked to the sergeant outside in the twilight. "And shall I be reduced to that?" he was asking himself. Andrews was leaving the latrine when he heard a voice call softly, "Skinny." "Yes," he said.

Though there were pleasant delusions in Anderson's mind about Germany before he arrived, it was not his fault if few seemed to be left after his seven years. He bluntly defined the limited German wit and humor as characteristically born of the latrine. Gard's two young friends did not refrain from talk in the key of indecency.

Later he had been captured by the Algerians, being one of the last captives enslaved before the occupation of Algiers by the French. There he ran a terrible risk of death once upon a time when one out of every ten of the captives was killed in revenge for the assassination of a wicked Moor whose body was found crammed into a latrine.