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If it is fine I have the landaulette hood thrown open and take the air as far as Washington Square if not, I am deposited at the Subway. Ten o'clock sees me at my office. The effect of the coffee has begun to wear off slightly. I am a little peevish with my secretary, who has opened and arranged all my letters on my desk.

She had something to suffer, perhaps, when they came into contact again, in seeing Anne restored to the rights of seniority, and the mistress of a very pretty landaulette; but she had a future to look forward to, of powerful consolation.

Well, I can hardly tell you that, for, no sooner did we catch sight of the man than my passenger roared to me to go straight on, and, ducking down inside the landaulette, he hid himself as completely from sight as though he had been in the tool-box.

When I recovered my senses, she was sitting as far away as possible in an open landaulette, staring at my dressing-case and her bag, and moaning. "Whatever must they think? Whatever must they think?" "They can't think we've been married long," said I musingly. "They only do that sort of thing on the honeymoon." She shivered.

It hurt her horribly, and because of the pain she avoided him as much as she dared. She did not know how he spent his time on Sundays. Except for his presence at luncheon she found she was left as completely to her own devices as on other days. She had agreed to drive Archie to the Wade Home in her husband's landaulette. Wingarde left the house before three and she was alone when Archie arrived.

There stood a real car, a landaulette, with the illustrous eagle on the front of its radiator, and a real chauffeur by its side. The thing seemed entirely miraculous to Mr. Prohack; and he was rather impressed by his wife's daring and enterprise.

So according to Rayne's orders I met the hunchback Tarrant at the Three Nuns Hotel at Aldgate. I had taken another car from Lloyd's garage a Fiat landaulette, stolen, no doubt and in it, at the old man's directions, I drove out to Maldon, in Essex, where at a small house outside the town I found, to my surprise, Rayne already awaiting us. What, I wondered, was in progress?

Your salaries are all secure, and I have plenty of money. I may come back, I may not. In any event, I am bored." She rippled out to her landaulette, and drove home. At her apartment, her Chinese maid was already unpacking her trunks. "Don't unpack any more, Yo San. I may decide to go away again abroad perhaps. I am still very bored give me a white kirtle and telephone Mr.

So Zara leaned forward, when the footman had opened the landaulette top, and tried to look radiant. And the first act of this pitiful comedy began. Every sort of emotion convulsed the new Lady Tancred's heart, as they began to get near the park, with the village nestling close to its gates on the far side.

He dried her tears for the second time that afternoon, and then, with a somewhat obvious effort at civility, addressed the doctor. "I suppose it will be all right to move her now? Can we take her home in the landaulette?" Curtly the doctor made answer. "Very well indeed, I should say, if we lift her carefully and keep the foot straight. I'll drive you to the Abbey if you like.