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The beginning, with what I have been able to recollect of the remainder, is as follows: Tircis, je n'ose Ecouter ton Chalumeau Sous l'Ormeau; Car on en cause Deja dans notre hameau. un Berger s'engager sans danger, Et toujours l'epine est sons la rose. I have endeavored to account for the invincible charm my heart feels on the recollection of this fragment, but it is altogether inexplicable.

Tofts, and the Trimmers Valentini, would not Margaritians, Toftians, and Valentinians be very tolerable marks of distinction? And therefore I think, there is little force in this objection against Christianity, or prospect of so great an advantage as is proposed in the abolishing of it. Her name was Francesca Margherita de l'Epine, and she was known as "the Italian woman."

An' faix, yez have thrated us well, an' begorra, we would have axed yer consint, if we had dramed we could have got ut!" he concluded ingenuously. The two Indians gazed at him with a surprise so evident that a chill ran through his every nerve. "We will never reveal the secret, the place of the gold," declared L'Épine.

Adrien L'Épine had his secret doubts as to the efficacy of the bold, blunt, humorous impudence which Terence O'Kimmon fancied such masterful policy, taking now special joy in the fact that its meaning was partially veiled because of the presumable limitations of the Indian's comprehension of the English language.

But the gem of gems is not to be found in Chalons itself; more interesting and beautiful than its massive cathedral and church of Notre Dame, than St. Jean even, is the exquisite church of Notre Dame de l'Epine, situated in a poor hamlet a few miles beyond the octroi gates.

The offensive front, which extends from Auberive to the east of Ville-sur-Tourbe, presents a varied aspect. From east to west may be seen, firstly, a glacis or sloping bank about five miles wide and covered with little woods. The road from Saint-Hilaire to Saint-Souplet, with the Baraque de l'Épine de Vedegrange, marks approximately its axis.

Of early primitive Gothic in the main, it shares interest to-day with the four other churches of the city, not overlooking Notre Dame de l'Epine, some five miles distant to the northward, one of the most perfectly designed and appointed late Gothic churches which the world has ever known.

What is more important still, not before she had inspired him to write that sonnet which has about it so much of the charm of the morning: Mignonne, levez-vous, vous êtes paresseuse, Ja la gaie alouette au ciel a fredonné, Et ja le rossignol doucement jargonné, Dessus l'épine assis, sa complainte amoureuse.

At frequent intervals he would station himself at one of the windows which commanded the entrance of the hotel, and, looking anxiously out at the wintry scene, would consult the splendid new watch just made for him, at great cost, by Monsieur l'Epine. It was on the stroke of twelve by Monsieur l'Epine's watch when Mr.

Steele, in the "Tattler," attributes her disorder to her stage habit of absorbing herself in imaginary great personages. While Mrs. Tofts reigned in Clayton's opera, Signora Francesca Margarita de l'Epine, a native of Tuscany, sang Italian airs before and after it. Tall, swarthy, brusque in manner, she had a voice and a style that made her famous.