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I never knew how helpless an iron-clad could be, steaming around through the woods without an army to back her." "Where will you carry this?" asked Porter, handing the despatch to the negro. "In my calabash kiver, massa," responded the messenger with a grin; and, stowing the paper away in his woolly hair, he darted away.

"And, elder, don't you forgit them caliker scraps, or you'll be wantin' kiver soon an' no kiver will be a-comin'." Elder Brown did not turn his head, but merely let the whip hand, which had been checked in its backward motion, fall as he answered mechanically.

"Kiver up the well for to-day, and come on tomorrow." "But we want water." "Can't help it; I couldn't go down and work there to-day. My nerves is shook." "Suppose we put a rope round you." "Bless your heart, Mr Brownsmith, sir, I couldn't go down if you put two ropes round me. I'm just going to lift out this here ladder, and then p'r'aps your man will help me put on the stone."

The first faint breath of the twilight was appearing over the mountains. The great ridges and peaks were growing dim and afar the wind of night was moaning. "It'll be dark soon," said the Little Giant, "an' then we'll hev to watch with all our eyes an' all our ears. Onless the Sioux attack under kiver o' the night they won't attack at all." "They'll come.

Had it in my hat a minit ago. Sand from this here lake shore gits in a feller's eyes. Ain't got used to it yet. Hope the Lord will excuse me for cussin' like a sailor. Must have got it from them fellers down on the lake shore. Kiver to kiver. Now let us go into the house. Door's round there facin' the holler. Let me go in first; you stand outside.

Mohamad proposes to go to Katanga to buy copper, and invites me to go too. I wish to see the Lufra Kiver, but I must see Bemba or Bangweolo. Grant guidance from above! 2nd June, 1868. In passing a field of cassava I picked the pods of a plant called Malumbi, which climbs up the cassava bushes; at the root it has a number of tubers with eyes, exactly like the potato.

"Miss Unity, when you done sont dat kiver ter Richmon', what you gwine investigate dat piano wif?" "Why, we'll leave it bare, Julius! The grain of the wood shows better so." "The bishop," said Miss Lucy thoughtfully "the bishop sent his study carpet last week. What do you think, Unity?" Unity, her head to one side, studied the carpet.

"I didn't think your boy would try to kiver him up. Sim hadn't any business to run away, jest when he was gittin' big enough to be some help to me about the farm." "I would have run away if I had been in his place," I ventured to remark, perhaps foolishly, for I could not bear to see Barkspear assuming to be an injured man, when his own meanness had driven poor Sim from his home.

"Oh, my brers, de yearth gwine trimble wuss'n dat one o' deze days, an' look out de rocks don't kiver you over! Don't hol' back dis train ef you c'n he'p it on! I ain't axin' yer fur no paper greenbacks to-day to light de ingine fire!

Preliminaries being thus settled, the commanding officers put spurs to their horses, and met in the centre of the plain, there saluting with their scythe-blade swords. "Major Ryely," said the colonel, rising in his stirrups, "the follerin' are the odder of pufformances: we open with eour artillery you reply with yourn. Under kiver of eour guns we advance to the attack.