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Hiram Bemis stood forth to the plate and waited until Dunnerwurst had pitched four balls. The bases were filled, and Hans began to growl at Kilgore. "Vere did der umpiring efer learn you?" he demanded. "Gol ding it!" shouted Ephraim Gallup from the field. "Yeou didn't git one of them balls within four feet of the pan! Yeou can't pitch! Yeou never could!

Go to your own home, and from there signal Kilgore to have the secret way to the plant open for me. Here the paper! Take it away with you! I'll elude Carter " "But he may arrest you at once," protested Venner, excitedly. "If he does " "Caramba! do you stop to question?" Cervera furiously interrupted. "If he takes me from this house he will take me dead!" "But " "Quick he's at the door!

Kilgore stood so far back that Nellie never could spare the time to walk up the long lane and back again, but she contented herself with peering up the tree-lined avenue in quest of Sallie and Bobby Kilgore. However, they were also invisible, and so it was that Nellie made the rest of the journey alone.

Layton, as the party came to a halt, "that we are not likely to accomplish anything by hunting in this aimless fashion." "What better can we do?" asked Mr. Kilgore. "Thus far we have been forced to confine ourselves to the road, excepting when we diverge a few feet: this renders our work about the same as if done by a single person. What I propose, therefore, is that we separate."

Who was she, to come between him and his brother? He did not seem to think it worth while to say anything to explain so eloquent a glance, but immediately faced about again, as if dismissing the interruption from his mind. Mrs. Kilgore did not try to make any more conversation, but went to her bedroom and cried herself to sleep.

On the second floor Kilgore darted into a dark chamber, and then through that to one adjoining it, where he waited till he heard Nick plunging into the one first mentioned. Then Kilgore slipped out into the hall again, hoping to retrace his steps downstairs and escape by the front door.

Despite constant vigilance and incessant work on the case, neither Nick nor Chick had been able to secure an additional clew. Kilgore and Matt Stall had vanished as if the earth had swallowed them. The mammoth vaudeville troupe had completed its engagement, and was now disbanded for the season.

The moon was gibbous, and only a few white, feathery clouds now and then drifted across its face. Where there was no shadow, one could see for a hundred yards or so with considerable distinctness that is, enough to recognize the figure of a man in motion. Opposite the lane leading to the house of Mr. Kilgore, the teacher stopped. "I will go in and get him to join us," said Mr.

There the night air was sweeping in through an open window, to the sill of which Nick quickly sprang. Now the noise he had heard was instantly explained. Cornered like a rat, yet viciously resolute to the last, Kilgore had, in order to make his escape, resorted to a means from which a less cool and nervy scoundrel would have shrunk on such a night as that.

"That's just what I intend doing, now that we have the game uncovered," said Nick, grimly. "And then proceed to locate the plant where the goods are made, eh?" "Precisely." "What are your plans?" "We'll first get a line on Venner, and see to what it leads," replied Nick. "There now is a way by which we can call the turn on him, and get proof of his co-operation with Kilgore and his gang."