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"They are fashionable ladies, perhaps?" she said simply. He nodded. "They belong to the Juggernaut here which is called society. They would probably try to draw you a little way into its meshes. I think, yes, I am sure," he added, looking at her, "that you are better off outside." "And I am quite sure of it," she answered laughing.

What a tangle he had fallen upon! Once again there seemed to confront him a colossal Juggernaut, a moving, crushing, intangible thing, beyond his power to cope with. "Now, what can I do?" queried Holt, in sudden hope his friend might see a way out. Despairingly, Lane racked his brain for some word of advice or assurance, if not of solution. But he found none.

Prudence is a wooden Juggernaut, before whom Benjamin Franklin walks with the portly air of a high-priest, and after whom dances many a successful merchant in the character of Atys. But it is not a deity to cultivate in youth.

This is the juggernaut department which grinds many a woman to skin and bones and her husband discards the remains! When it comes to housekeeping a woman has need of all the love, wisdom and power she can muster in her hours of silence. Even a five room flat or cottage is more than one woman can keep spotless and allow time for anything else. Many things must be left undone.

Here the Juggernaut car of King Alcohol was rolling on remorselessly, crushing out all life save the frenzied dream of the dipsomaniac. But the lad paused and shook his head as he noted the windows of the old English basement tightly barred.

When I awoke in the morning I felt like an Indian devotee, the day coming upon me like the great temple of Juggernaut; cracking of my bones beginning after breakfast; and if I had any respite, it was seldom for more than half an hour, when a newspaper seemed to stop the wheels; then away they went, crack, crack, noon and afternoon, till I found myself by night reduced to a perfect jelly, good for nothing but to be ladled into bed, with a greater horror than ever at the thought of sunrise.

"Rotten shooting," commented Barney Custer, of Beatrice. The soldiers still stood in the center of the road firing at the swaying car as, lurching from side to side, it bore down upon them. Barney sounded the raucous military horn; but the soldiers seemed unconscious of their danger they still stood there pumping lead toward the onrushing Juggernaut.

A too hasty express wagon, however, heedless of the convenience of wealthy automobilists, bore down on Carshaw like a Juggernaut car, and straightway smashed the differential, besides inflicting other grievous injuries on a complex mechanism.

There is not a Hindu fakir, who swings from a hook in the muscles of his back, or measures with his body a long pilgrimage to Juggernaut; not a Popish devotee, who braves the opinion of society with naked feet, comical garment, and self-imposed "bodily exercise," but demonstrates what a man can and will do, if the mainspring of his being is touched.

* One is here irresistibly reminded of the car of Juggernaut, and of the Hindoo fanatics throwing themselves beneath its wheels in the belief that they would thus obtain an entrance into Paradise. Trans. "Nobody, nobody!" repeated Berthaud; "let nobody whatever pass!" There was a woman there, however, who touched every heart with compassion.