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With much goodly gibberish to the same effect; which display of Gregory's ready wit not only threw the whole company into convulsions of laughter, but made such an impression on Rose, the Potter's daughter, that it was thought it would be the Jester's own fault if Jack was long without his Jill.

This was the jester's farewell, but it was some time before the waggon was under way, for the carter and one of the smiths were missing, and were only at noon found in an alehouse, both very far gone in liquor, and one with a black eye.

Josian had not said one word. "Are you afraid, Princess?" Alan asked presently. She shook her head. When she heard the story of the jester's death she was less shaken than Alan had feared. "He told me last night that he could not live long," she said sadly. "I knew that I should never see him again in this world." At last they halted for an hour beside a little spring.

Thackeray had of old assumed the jester's habit, in order the more unrestrainedly to indulge the privilege of speaking the truth; we had traced his clever progress through "Fraser's Magazine" and the ever-improving pages of "Punch" which wonder of the time has been infinitely obliged to him but still we were little prepared for the keen observation, the deep wisdom, and the consummate art which he has interwoven in the slight texture and whimsical pattern of "Vanity Fair."

And all the time he spoke of the prowess I had shown, and lamented that all these years he should have had me at his Court and never guessed my worth. At length I turned to resume my clothes. And since it must excite comment and perhaps arouse suspicion were I to appear in any but my jester's garish livery, I once more assumed my foliated cape, my cap and bells.

You ought and must tell the artist your history, for he has deserved your confidence. The jester's worldly-wise sayings, in which selfishness was always praised as the highest virtue, often seemed very puzzling to the boy, yet many of them were impressed on his young soul.

That is queer, is it not, to live in a city where not even the people in the next house know that you are alive? Perhaps some day I shall go away, and live as others do. I wonder very much what it will be like." The jester's face was shadowed by a sad tenderness. "May you never wish yourself back in your cage, my child," he said.

"It baffles you, sir Fool?" quoth he. "In very truth it does." I ruefully wagged my head so that my bells set up a jangle. "For the rider is a man and the ridden a horse. But," I pursued, in that back-biting strain, which is the very essence of the jester's wit, "were you to make a trio of us, including Messer Ramiro del' Orca, Captain in the army of his Holiness, no doubt would then afflict me.

And throwing back the man's cloak, which half covered his breast, he pointed with his fingers at a crest embroidered on the doublet. It was a crescent in silver, with a scroll beneath it, and as we all stooped down to see, the jester's keen eyes met those of his companion. "The scroll explains all," he said, as if in reference to the attack upon them: "it is totum donec impleat orbem." "Diane?"

There was scarce a man, a woman or a child in the entire domains of Giovanni Sforza to whom Boccadoro, the Fool, was not known; and many a villano, who had never noticed the features of the Lord of Pesaro, could have told you the very colour of his jester's eyes; which, after all, is no strange thing, for sad reflection! in a world in which Wisdom may be overlooked, Folly goes never disregarded.