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His knowledge and his memory of his fear would be like a raw open wound in his mind; and her knowledge of it would be a perpetual irritant, rubbing against it and keeping up the sore. Last night she hadn't done anything to heal him; she had only hurt.... And if she gave John up his wound would never heal. She owed a sort of duty to the wound.

Asquith or some other politician by some trick of a Conciliation Act or some claptrap of Compulsory Arbitration, or that any belated suppression of discussion and strike organisations by the law, will avert this gathering storm? The Spectacle of Pleasure, the parade of clothes, estates, motor-cars, luxury and vanity in the sight of the workers is the culminating irritant of Labour.

Sickened by the pungent smell, and with muzzle, lips, and right eye burning horribly from his wounds and the irritant poison, Vulp hastily dropped his prey, and ignominiously bolted from the scene of the encounter. Soon, however, he stopped; the pain in his eye seemed beyond endurance.

It is more of a cerebral irritant than alcohol, and probably has few, if any, advantages over camphor. When but little nutriment has been taken for some days, it may be a chemical question, since ammonium compounds so readily form and become cerebral irritants, whether any more ammonium radicals should be given the patient. This is especially true with defective kidneys.

Inflammation may be defined as the series of vital changes that occurs in the tissues in response to irritation. These changes represent the reaction of the tissue elements to the irritant, and constitute the attempt made by nature to arrest or to limit its injurious effects, and to repair the damage done by it.

The problem is, How shall the body social adjust itself, daily, hourly, to this irritant; how feel at ease and safe in spite of it?

"Open it," he said, "I will read, segnius irritant, don't put the light out, ah! hoeret lateri, I am going, vale, vale, vale, goodbye, good-bye, the Lord take care of my child! Domine, audi vel audito!" His face whitened suddenly, and he lay still, with open eyes and mouth. He had taken his last degree.

This doctrine, like many others of its kind, seemed at first sight to be the balm it pretended, instead of an irritant, as it really was. It was calculated to deceive all except thinking men, and to silence all save a merciless logician. And this merciless logician, who was heaven-sent in time of need, was Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Douglas was a juggler, a political prestidigitateur.

They sometimes use tinned food which is not quite good, and it sets up irritant poisoning. I had a case very similar to yours last week. The climate here did not suit him, and he has returned to England." "Oh! I hope to be better in a few days, doctor," I said cheerfully, for I was anxious for another opportunity to visit him.

From the first the pressure of the armed force on Paris had acted as a powerful irritant; and in reducing the power of the King nothing seemed more important than to detach the army from its allegiance.