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"It irks me," said Clovis to his army, "that these Arians should rule in Gaul." The Aquitanians welcomed him as a Crusader; Alaric, after a single defeat, took refuge in his Spanish dominions, where he was left to rule in peace.

Ralph stayed her speech now, and said: "When I asked of thee in the Land of Abundance, there were some who seemed to say that thou hast let more men love thee than one: and it was a torment to me to think that even so it might be. But now when thine own mouth telleth me of one of them it irks me little. Dost thou think it little-hearted in me?"

"The despicable churls!" said the Countess to Agelastes; "it irks me that a drop of such coward blood should stain the hands of a noble knight. They call their exercise a tournament, although in their whole exertions every blow is aimed behind the back, and not one has the courage to throw his windlestraw while he perceives that of another pointed against himself."

Even in the noble poem Rabbi Ben Ezra, this jolting line appears: "Irks care the crop-full bird? Frets doubt the maw-crammed beast?" and in Sordello, Browning writes: "The Troubadour who sung Hundreds of songs, forgot, its trick his tongue, Its craft his brain." No careful artist tolerates such ugly, rasping inversions.

I see it all, Karl, and shudder to think of the life that might have been mine. I take no pleasure in seeing gouty old dependents bowing, kneeling, and smirking before me. Of course, these things are my prerogative, and a man born to them may not forego what is due to his birth even though it irks him. But such an existence I will not call it living saps the juice of life.

For there is nothing that frets and irks some male creatures so much as to see a woman attain by her own brain and hand a great position in the world, and when she has won her crown and throne they would deprive her of both, and trample her in the mud if they dared! SOME male creatures not all. Florian Varillo for instance.

Most men could escape from what irks, confines, or burdens them at the cost of effacing their past lives, breaking the continuity of existence, cutting the cord that binds together, in a sequence of circumstances and incidents, youth, and maturity, and age. But who can do the thing? One man in a thousand, and he generally a scoundrel.

"So," he said, "we have proved our false faces, Master Shelton. I will now adventure my poor carcase where ye please." "Good!" returned Richard. "It irks me to be doing. Set we on for Shoreby!" Sir Daniel's residence in Shoreby was a tall, commodious, plastered mansion, framed in carven oak, and covered by a low-pitched roof of thatch.

When Jack saw them he came forward, wiping from his face the beads of perspiration which the tussle had brought there. "Señor Hunter tells me that you are going away," Don Andres began almost at once. "That you are acting wisely I am truly convinced, Señor Allen, though it irks me to say that it is so.

"I should no longer," quoth he, "be master of my senses." Then she took an instrument and, changing the measure, began singing these verses, "The smack of parting's myrrh to me, * How, then, bear patience' aloe? I'm girt by ills in trinity * Severance, distance, cruelty! My freedom stole that fairest she, * And parting irks me bitterly."