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It must help to tell the story by strengthening the mood of the poem. It must not be trivial or insincere, neither must it overwhelm and thus draw the attention of the listeners to itself and away from the singer. The accompaniment is the clothing, or dress, of the melody. Melodies, like people, should be well dressed but not over dressed.

Her confidence was unshaken that the bill would go through, though by a narrow margin. "The opposition is of the deadliest sort," she admitted, "because it is silent. It is silent because it knows that its only argument all this economy talk is utterly insincere. But Mr. Dayne knows where the opposition is and the way he goes after it! Never believe any more that ministers can't lobby!"

For there are men who pride themselves on 'speaking out, and take rudeness and want of regard for other people's sensitive feelings to be sincerity. And, on the other hand, it is possible that amiability may be sweeter than truth is, and that righteousness may be hypocritical and insincere.

... There are moments when I completely lose heart. For whom and for what do I write? For the public? But I don't see it, and believe in it less than I do in spooks: it is uneducated, badly brought up, and its best elements are unfair and insincere to us. I cannot make out whether this public wants me or not.

These fine words, which cost nothing when whispered in secret, were not destined to fructify into a very rich harvest, for the mutual jealousy of France and England, lest either should acquire ascendency in the Netherlands, made both governments prodigal of promises, while the common fear entertained by them of the power of Spain rendered both languid; insincere, and mischievous allies.

These intimations, though communicated in the most warm professions of friendship and regard, gave great umbrage to the young gentleman, who considered them as the evasions of an insincere courtier, and loudly complained of them as such to his lordship, signifying, at the same time, an intention to sell his mortgage for ready money, which he would expend to the last farthing in thwarting his honour, in the very first election he should patronize.

Slide was an energetic but not a thoughtful man; but in his thoughts on politics, as far as they went with him, he regarded the wrongs of the people as being of infinitely greater value than their rights. It was not that he was insincere in all that he was daily saying; but simply that he never thought about it.

Henry endeavoured to convince him, that it was possible for a person to wish to please, nay, even to succeed in that wish, without being insincere. Their argument and their walk continued, till Henry, who, though very active, was not quite so robust as his friend, was completely tired, especially as he perceived that Forester's opinions remained unshaken.

They need to make things square." "For themselves?" "Jest so for 'emselves." The half-breed leaned over his horse's shoulder and spat. Then he ostentatiously returned the gun he was holding to its holster. "Maybe I'll need him no more," he said, with an obviously insincere sigh. Fyles was quite undeceived. "Surely if you're going out of business. What's your business?" The man laughed.

Howells's work is essential to the student of the American provincial novel, as it is also to the student of our more generalized types of story-writing, and that he has never in his long career written an insincere, a slovenly, or an infelicitous page.