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He made a note to observe with whom she danced that second dance, as she preceded him across the room to the door; while at the same time he pleasured his eye in what he had so often named to himself as the spirit-proud flesh-proud walk of her. "You don't feel I'm neglecting you in my too-much poker?" he tried again, by indirection. "Mercy, no! You know I just love you to have your card orgies.

I want to hesitate on the brink of doing things that shock people. Nobody's shocked at anything now. I want to see the blush of modesty. Amabel, it's all faded out." She looked at him, distressed. "Jeff," said she, "do you think our young people are not what they were?" He loved her beautiful indirection. "I don't want 'em to be what they were," said he, "if they have to lie to do it.

She instantly appreciated the irking of the dilemma into which he had thrust himself forgetting his infirmity, and she could have smitten with hearty enmity and a heavy stick any lips which had dared to smile. She responded, however, with something of her mother's indirection. "Under your favor, sir, you don't know how deaf the devil's dam may be and it is not your wont to speak in that strain.

Luc knew his Paris and the forest equally well. Nor was he a stranger to London and Vienna or to old Rome that Robert hoped to see some day. It seemed to Robert that he had seen everything and done everything, not that he boasted, even by indirection, but it was drawn from him by the lad's own questions, back of which was an intense curiosity.

Vostrand, with a burst of frankness, "he thinks you don't like him." "He's wrong," said Westover. "But I might dislike him very much." "I see what you mean," said Mrs. Vostrand, "and I'm glad you've been so frank with me. I've been so interested in Mr. Durgin, so interested! Isn't he very young?" The question seemed a bit of indirection to Westover. But he answered directly enough.

It would be unworthy of the United States to inaugurate the possibilities of such result by measures of questionable right or expediency or by any indirection.

There have been fights by labor for a principle, and the principle won, as good always wins over evil. But this is different. It's a direct play by men who don't realize what they are doing, into the hands of a lot of well, we'll call them anarchists. It's Germany's way of winning the war. By indirection." "If by anarchists you mean men like my uncle " "I do," he said grimly.

I trust I shall always be brave enough to do whatsoever I think my duty requires, directly and not by indirection." Mr. Lane, with several other Western Senators, had been counted as opposed to negro suffrage, hence his advocacy of the principle gave much strength to those who desired to take a position in advance of the proposition of the committee.

This came as such a surprise to Amherst that before he had collected himself he found Truscomb ambiguously but unmistakably offering him with the practised indirection of the man accustomed to cover his share in such transactions a substantial "consideration" for dropping the matter of the road-house.

She liked to say to Gretchen things that were meant for other ears; there was novelty in the indirection. She also was accustomed to quote freely from the Scriptures and from the Methodist hymnbook, which was almost her only accomplishment.